Mona and Venti

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(A/N: now back to the present)

Third Person's POV

Mona leads on, walking slowly while turning back a few seconds every now and then to make sure that Venti was still following her. Venti was indeed following her but he's a bit confused as to why she keeps on turning back to his direction.

And now, he decides to turn around as well to look up at the area where the statue is, as well as where Aether currently is. He put his hand to his chest, and felt how fast it was beating just thinking about him. He turns red even just thinking about how Aether would talk to him.

Meanwhile, Mona could perfectly see and tell what emotions Venti is currently feeling. I mean, it was quite obvious due to his actions, as well as his expressions and reactions. Mona simply smirks and smiles at this, feeling a little bit proud of herself for discovering this. She takes a seat on a table at Good Hunter, while Venti simply stands in front of the table.

"Come on, sit. We have much to discuss." Mona says, pointing at the chair in front of her while smiling sweetly. Venti was a bit hesitant to accept the invitation but, he had little to no choice since Mona basically knows the secret he's been keeping for a long time.

"...Fine." Venti then takes a seat, forcing himself to suck it up and have this 'discussion' with the astrologist. Though, he's a little bit lost on what exactly does she want to discuss.

"I'm assuming you're a bit confused on what we're about to talk about, yes?" Mona asks, still smiling. Venti simply nods in reply, still hesitant on talking. 

"You don't have to be so on guard, I'm not planning on telling anybody." She says, smiling, reassuring the bard of any doubts and worries. Despite having to have just met formally, he can tell that he can trust Mona. Not only because of what she says, but of her intelligence. 

"...Thank you but, what do you want to discuss about?" Venti asks, speaking up and starting to get a little bit more comfortable. Mona feels a little bit happy in seeing this, but she can tell that if she decides to mess with him or Aether, only death awaits her. But still, a thought of doing that never has crossed her mind anyway.

"Isn't that obvious? You and the traveler of course!" She says cheerfully, excited on this topic. If you look closely, there's a little bit of sparkling stars around her due to curiosity. Venti's still a little bit embarrassed about this but, there was no point in hiding it since she caught him red-handed. 

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