Honorable End for A Truly Loved Knight.

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Third Person's POV


"What should I make for Aether, Paimon?" Venti asks after getting into his house, taking off his cape and putting it on the couch. He unbraids his hair and relaxes, possibly trying to make his mind focus on something else rather than the risks of this mission Aether's going to be doing.

"He loves Golden Crab! You should try making it!" Paimon says, happily flying around. She was rather worried about Aether too and wanted to help him but, she wouldn't do anything in a battle so, the least she could do was watch for his lover.

"That's from Liyue isn't it... hmm. I guess I'll try making it." Venti puts his hand under his chin, thinking about it as he stands up from the couch. He doesn't really involve himself in recipes from other regions but, he does try every once in a while whenever Aether wanted. He smiles brightly just thinking about the face Aether's going to make when he comes home with Golden Crab on the table.

"I'll help you! I remember the entire recipe!" Paimon grins, excited about the Golden Crab as well. Venti sighs, as he mentally prepares himself. He shakes his hands, energizing himself.

"Let's get started then." He says, smirking, knowing that Paimon also wanted this Golden Crab as well. But, he wasn't going to complain. He wasn't even sure if he wanted to eat this kind of food. He then gets into the kitchen, putting his hands on the counter.

"Come to think of it, I forgot to tell him that I love him..." He mumbles, slightly saddened by that  fact. Maybe if he had said it, Aether might've been pumped or a lot more motivated. Still, he wasn't going to doubt his husband's strength. He knows, without a doubt that Aether was going to return home safe to him.

"You can tell him once he gets back!" Paimon smiles, really wanting Venti to cheer up and get his mind off of things. Well, she does know that putting Venti's mind off it completely is impossible, she still wanted to at least decrease his slowly increasing anxiety.

"True. I'll tell him that I love him so many times that he's going to be sick of it." Venti smirks, slightly excited about seeing Aether's facial expressions. He always loved to see those obvious reactions. You could clearly tell when he's embarrassed, flustered, confused, or happy.

"So, let's prepare the ingredients!" Paimon says, getting into Venti's drawers to find any ingredients that can be used to make Golden Crab. She was really pushing her brain to remember every single thing that's done to make this. She just leaves it to Aether and it always tastes amazing. She grins, determined to get this done for another one of Aether's dishes.

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