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Lumine's POV

At first I didn't think much of it. Like sure, my brother fell in love with someone, so what? I'm not in any place to change that but, clearly things progressed so far that I start to wonder if this was the right choice or not. If I should separate them, or if I should stay back. In the end, I just give up and leave it all up to Aether. It was his love, not mine. It's all tiring, regardless.


"Princess, I'm afraid to tell you this but... your brother has fallen in love." I hear the Herald say. Huh? He's in love? How the hell is that possible? Well, of course it's possible but... I didn't think he would. 

"In love? With who?" I ask it, wanting to know who exactly is this 'lucky' person. I didn't have a problem with it, not at all but, why would he fall in love with that person and how? In all my years in this horrid place, I've never once thought of falling in love with someone. Well, I didn't have time, really.

"This person named Venti. We've received reports of them...being a bit too close to each other, even your brother kissed them on the cheek."

"My brother?! Kissing another guy?!" I shout but then cover my mouth in surprise of how loud it was. It appears that even the Herald was surprised by it. 

"Sorry." I clear my throat. A.. guy? I didn't think my brother would like other guys but, I guess it's fine..? It doesn't really change my impression or opinion of him as a person. But Venti..? He's Barbatos, isn't he?

"How should we deal with it?" It asks. Shit I don't even know what to do with it. Surely, he knows that we can't stay in this world at all. But he still fell in love..? Last I recall, Barbatos doesn't have his full power anymore so, I don't have to be worried about him controlling Aether's mind or anything.

"We don't. Let him live his life here. If he's fallen in love with someone, I can't really do anything about it." I say. Still trying to think about it thorougly. What should I do in a situation like this? Wait... do I even have to do something? To their eyes, or their relationship, I'm just an outsider at that point.

"...Are you sure about this?" It asks once again. Well, I am his sister so, I have to give my advice or something. I just didn't know he would fall in love despite everything that's been happening so far.

Immortal  |  Aether  x  Venti  |  Genshin  ImpactWhere stories live. Discover now