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Venti's POV

"I wondered when you would actually wake up." I hear a man's voice say as I struggle to open my eyes. Has it been weeks since I've seen this... familiar sunlight? The smell of Mondstadt, the designs, everything is all here. Felt like ages since I've been back. Just... endlessly falling into darkness without any hope of finding light. But, I guess I should give the others a peace of mind.

"Hello to you too." I tell Zhongli, smiling slightly at him. The things Mona said to me start to return. To think that he's experienced this probably a lot more than I have... makes me think he's stronger than meets the eye.

"...Are you okay?" He asks me, having a worried look on his face. I should get used to that since I'll be given that look a lot today. I don't really expect anything different anymore. I don't expect something new as well so, it's going to be quite... bland.

"To be honest... I'm not. But, I... won't lose myself anymore." I tell him, being completely honest. It's just going to be weird and problematic if I tell him or anyone for that matter that I'm okay. I'm obviously not okay. 

"I'll be here for you, okay?" He reassures me, his face losing tension as he pats my shoulder. Since he's immortal too, I'm sure he'll stay with me, right? Ah well, Aether was immortal too and yet... ugh. 

"Thanks, Zhongli. More importantly, make sure to spend extra time with your lover... make a lot of memories with him, okay?" I say, trying to make sure he spends the most time he can with his loved one. I don't want him to feel the same way I did anymore. No one needs to feel that way at all. No one deserves it.

"...Okay." He reluctantly says. I might've even made him worry even more. But, if that's what it takes for him to cherish his time with his lover then... that's fine. I only want him to love his lover right. Before the time their lifespan ends.

"Meanwhile I'm still here, single and alone." I hear Mona say, sighing while sitting on the chair next to me. I didn't even notice she was there. Well, it's kind of funny how she says it but, with how pretty she is, I doubt she won't find someone that likes her back.

"Anyway, you have a lot of visitors today so, make sure to rest up. You don't necessarily have to get up from that bed so, don't worry. They were all just... worried about you." She says, standing up and heading towards the door. She smiles at me.

"Okay." I say. I wonder... if they even care. Maybe they're just forcing themselves to come here for me because I'm Aether's husband. So, if I had gotten into a coma, and I wasn't with Aether, would they care? I... highly doubt it.

Immortal  |  Aether  x  Venti  |  Genshin  ImpactWhere stories live. Discover now