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 Aether's POV

"O-okay..!" I hear Venti yell out from inside the house. I pant, shocked at what just happened and what I just saw. My face feels so hot as my vision gets hazy.

What the hell was Venti thinking.?! Dressing like that in front of me... I-I did see everything already when I changed his clothes but... he- he purposely showed me this time with that... insanely revealing outfit..! I luckily managed to stop myself and just threw myself outside before I managed to do anything, which I'm grateful for.

I try my best at self-control but, Venti... is just too seductive sometimes..! With that cute face of his, as well as his actions... it's hard to control myself from just hugging him because of that..! I sigh, telling myself that I should forget about it and move on. Hoping that I could finally calm down.

"You can come in now..." I hear him yell out, in a slightly sad tone. I sigh, but I guess I should explain. I mean, if I woke up in my house, naked, and the last person I saw was my boyfriend, I guess I would be confused too. As well as the fact that I didn't even explain it. I sigh as I then stand up. This is... gonna be...a rather unusual talk.



Third Person's POV

Aether hesitantly enters Venti's house, afraid that Venti might still be wearing the revealing outfit. He slowly opens his eyes and once he sees Venti fully dressed, he sighs in relief and looks at his lover seriously. Venti flinches with the sudden look as Aether then starts heading to the dining area. Venti follows.

Aether then sits down at one of the chairs as he then points at the chair in front of him, gesturing that Venti should sit there. The bard gulps in fear as he then sits down, following his lover's orders. Aether looks away, blushing. Venti tilts his head in confusion, as his worries slowly fade.

"I-I didn't do anything to you... that night.." Aether stutters, blushing while still looking away. With that statement Venti also blushes, although in embarrassment. 

"T-then... explain..! What exactly happened..?" He asks. Even though he knows that he could've just asked in the first place, he simply followed Mona's advice, thinking that it was foolproof and trusting Mona's judgement since she's mostly been right with everything that was happening. But it seems like today, she just gave a half-assed answer to get Venti away, thus making him misunderstand.

Immortal  |  Aether  x  Venti  |  Genshin  ImpactWhere stories live. Discover now