The Best Possible Team

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Third Person's POV

"What exactly happened? What did you see?" Jean says, looking fully ready to assess the situation and take the proper countermeasures for something like this. Sucrose, saddened to see Albedo's wounds, ran over to Barbara to help her. 

"It was... a huntress.. She's covered in all black, having a dark vision... everything about her was like a shadow." Albedo pauses, taking deep breaths as to slow down the bleeding of some of his still open wounds. Jean wanders, thinks about whoever could've done this. There's is no such thing as a dark vision. The nearest thing is a... delusion.

"Is there anything else we need to know?" Jean asks, wanting to make sure they're all ready and they'll have the necessary resources to defeat this evil. Though, someone who could easily defeat Albedo unscathed means that that person is insanely strong.

"She's... extremely fast and extremely strong... wielding a sword, and can manipulate anything into a shadow. Possibly even manipulate creatures." Albedo says, getting up and feeling himself, seeing if his wounds have healed up. Minor wounds, yes but his major, big cuts have still yet to heal. He sighs in seeing this.

"Is she a possible member of the abyss? If so, then we might be dealing with mages here." Aether asks, also worried that this might be his sister. Though, he never seen her do this much for someone like Albedo, that's way out of her and the abyss' plans.

"She's far stronger than the abyss. Her magic is no laughing matter. Despite me breaking and disintegrating half of her entire body, she managed to regenerate it all in a matter of seconds." Albedo says, his eyes squinting as to try and remember the things he had seen her use. But, he was still thinking about how she could easily do that.

"Isn't that impossible?" Aether asks, looking extremely surprised. Imagine immediately regenerating your entire body after it was cut in half, with the other half being completely destroyed. Her strength really is no laughing matter.

"It is but... she came from a different world." Albedo says, looking at Aether. Aether's eyes open wide, wondering if it really is Lumine. Chances are slim, but it is technically possible.

"That explains a whole lot of things. There's not a lot of magic in this world that could easily regenerate that many tissues and cells in seconds. There could be ancient magic like that but, it should be unreadable or perhaps non-existent by now." Jean says, standing up and going to the nearby bookshelf, inspecting and looking if there was any modern books that explains spells.

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