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Third Person's POV

"Hahahaha..!" Mona laughs out loud, practically crying tears of laughter. She even resorts to slamming her hands on the table over and over again due to how funny, apparently, the news she had just received.

"...You've been laughing for at least 5 minutes. Don't you think it's time to stop?" An angry Venti comments, blushing of embarrassment and humiliation. But Mona, hearing that comment of his, continues to laugh. Paimon that was with her, is currently with Aether at Venti's house, to which Venti told her where he was.

"I just can't..! You actually- you actually did it..!" Mona says, laughing. Even the people around them started giving weird looks because of how loud she was. Venti just sighs, knowing that this would've happened either way.

"I-I just followed your advice!" Venti tries to explain, still embarrassed by this whole thing. Mona's laughing slowly stops, she then uses her finger to wipe the tears in her eyes, as she sighs cheerfully.

"Yeah. Gave me a really good laugh so, thank you for that." Mona chuckles after saying it, making Venti grit his teeth in anger, but he knows that he's really the one at fault since he didn't have to go that far for asking a question. He simply jumped onto conclusions and assumptions which caused him to be flustered, thus making him do stupid decisions for something that didn't even happen. These facts made Mona laugh every time she thought about them.

"What are you planning to do now?" Mona asks Venti, calming down, but her breathing was still a bit rough from laughing. Venti then calms down as well, his facial expression going back to normal as he thought about the question she had asked. 

"I don't really know, honestly." Venti answers, looking troubled, wanting to make his relationship with Aether go further. Considering the recent events, it was quite unusual how he suddenly wants to move forward. But, Aether would probably want to as well. 

"Want me to give you advice~?" Mona smirks, mischievously. 

"Fuck off. Your last advice almost ruined my life." Venti chuckles, upset but also sarcastic. Mona laughs along with him. 

"Well, this time, the information I'm going to give you is going to be really worth it." Mona says, smiling cheerfully as she waited for Venti to reply to her offer. Venti thinks about it first but, if she says that it's important, while she was also wide awake, it must be, as she says, really worth it.

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