Hazy Future

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(TW: Mentions of blood.)

Mona's POV

Hm? A gut feeling? From him? Why now? Well, since we're quite far from Liyue, my master shouldn't be able to spot me. And from the looks of things, he isn't lying at all. This so called gut feeling he's having is really terrible that it's even effecting me. Maybe... this gut feeling I'm getting is telling me to not try and read his..? 

I do know that if I involve myself in another person's fate, I'll get tangled up with them thus changing fate itself. But something tells me I'm already involved even if I didn't help him. Considering his current position, I doubt he's doing this just to get my attention or for attention.

"Sure. If it's coming from a Fatui Harbinger, I doubt this feeling is any good." I say, sighing, looking around to see if there's a perfect place to do my reading. Well, it was quiet, there's not a lot of people. Actually, it's just the two of us and I'm far enough away from Liyue. Technically, where I'm standing right now is perfect.

"Wait... you knew I was a Harbinger?" Childe asks, looking extremely on guard and worried. The moment I saw him, I immediately knew he was a Harbinger. Not only his powerful aura and signs of a delusion, but... he definitely seems like one.

"Yes. From the moment I saw you. I assumed that you were okay since you were friendly with Aether, Venti and Paimon. Not only that but, you didn't reveal any signs of hostility." I say, smiling at him. He didn't pose a threat at all despite having so much power. Well, Zhongli... assuming that's the name of his lover,

Him on the other hand, I can't read him at all. Same case with Venti. It's as if something's blocking me from seeing their fates but, I do know that they're not your ordinary traveler or human in general. Aether... I already know he's from another world but, Venti and Zhongli don't seem like people from another world. How confusing but interesting at the same time.

"I... see. As expected from the well-known astrologist." Childe says, smiling at me as if he's wanting to fight me. I can defeat him but, as much as I hate to admit, one wrong move from me will end up making me lose. 

"Anyway... this gut-feeling of yours, I assume you want me to look into it?" I ask, first confirming his reasoning of wanting to come up to me quite late in the night. Well, he did run and catch up to me so, I doubt this is something pointless. Luckily for him, I couldn't use my hydromancy so I couldn't run quite fast. 

"Yes! If you could tell me as well, I was so bothered by it today and I'll probably think and worry about it every where I go." He says, having a tone of confusion. So that's why he didn't interact much. As well as the fact that he seemed like he wasn't even listening to anything at all. 

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