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Third Person's POV

"Well, I think I'll take my chances." Venti says, smiling while starting to stand up. He looks really relaxed and has that 'at least I did it' kind of look. Mona smiles and then does a clap with her hands. Paimon comes up to Venti and pats him on the back.

"You can do this, Tone-Deaf Bard! I'll leave you two on your own for a while." She says, winking while putting her tongue out. Mona stands up slowly after as well.

"You can stay with me for the time being!" Mona offers Paimon. She intends to keep her company to not make her feel so lonely when Aether and Venti have their alone times. 

"Eh..." Paimon voices out, having a bored tone in her voice. 

"H-hey! Don't sound so bored..!" Mona yells but not too loud, flustered and slightly embarrassed about the reaction Paimon made. She did know that Paimon was extremely gluttonous and that was a bit of a downfall with the fact of her being broke━ She then stops her thoughts there when she just remembered a crucial fact.

"I-I'll have you know, I just recently earned a lot of money..!" Mona says, turning her head, looking extremely proud and smug about it but the embarrassment on her face was still there. Hearing that statement, Paimon immediately gasped and had a face that was extremely shocked.

"T-then you can buy me a lot of food.?!" Paimon asks, excitedly while having sparkling eyes. Mona just forcefully and hesitantly nods. While Venti, was just chuckling at their conversation. He didn't really know much about Mona's life so, making comments about it doesn't seem that great. So, scared of offending anyone, he just watches.

"We can also view people's constellations and destinies!" Mona tells Paimon, now also brimming with excitement. Paimon was just seemingly so amazed and excited by their time together. And seeing this, Venti knew that he could finally leave both of them alone.

"I'll be going to the library now! Wish me luck, you two!" Venti says, starting to walk in that direction while waving goodbye. 

"Mhm! Good luck!" Mona and Paimon shout out as they also wave goodbye. And with a few more seconds, Venti was no longer in sight. Mona then glances over to the flying pixie next to her.

"Think he'll be alright?" She asks. Paimon glances back and then sighs.

Immortal  |  Aether  x  Venti  |  Genshin  ImpactWhere stories live. Discover now