Happy, at last.

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Venti's POV

Well, we're back in Mondstadt. After a long long time of just walking, we've finally made it here. Despite being just the two of us on that long walk, there wasn't the awkwardness that I was feeling. Seeing how happy he is, I doubt he was feeling the awkwardness too. We've come so far.

All things considered, I'm glad I stayed in love. Seriously... the amount of times he's neglected my attention, refused to see I'm flirting with him, and aching pains in my heart, I almost fell out of love. I'm glad I stayed. 

I'm not sure I would've found something like this ever again so, this truly was amazing. Maybe he's perfect for me, after all. I find it quite appealing when he's sometimes so cute, and sometimes so hot. When the rare chance of him being both comes, I feel myself melting. Ah, how lucky I am to have someone like him.

Not only his appearance but his willingness to be so caring to me just makes my eyes turn into hearts. Ah, I shouldn't waste time just fawning over and over about him. I've currently finished playing a song to the people of Mondstadt. It's been quite a while. Seeing their enlightened faces of hearing me sing really makes me happy.

I'm the best bard in the world after all! Maybe I'll write a long song to Aether... that's a pretty good idea actually. How come I never thought of doing that? It isn't that hard but, it just takes time. 

He's doing his daily commissions and requests right now so, talking to him would be out of the question since he's already doing it as fast as possible as to meet me already. Well, I tried stopping him and telling him to take his time but, he didn't listen. 

These past few days were insane as well. First, we were spreading the news of us being together. It always puts a smile on my face when I remember how happy he was in doing so. We got a lot of gifts from the people in Mondstadt too! The fact that he has so many friends surprises me to this day.

Then, I was quite overjoyed and jumped into conclusions with Marjorie... forget it. I don't need to remember about that. I got quite drunk that time. Well, you can't blame me. The love that was unrequited for so long has just become requited. To think that we're finally lovers. I feel myself screaming internally just thinking about that.

I talked to Diluc... well, I remember fragments of that. Not much to say, to be honest. We had a... sleepover? I guess? That was also the start of my misunderstanding that led me to talk to Mona again. I still blame her for my actions. I was seeking advice from her again and yet she tricks me! How absurd!

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