There is hope. There is always hope.

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Third Person's POV

"Don't you think it's time to give up? Your friends, The Acting Grandmaster as well as the Darknight Hero are all on the ground and bleeding out. They're barely alive by the deaconess' healing and the Geo Archon's protection." The Huntress says, pointing at Jean and Diluc who was collapsed on the ground and bleeding fast.

When Lumine opened her eyes, she saw a million unavoidable attacks, coming from different directions and ultimately knocked everyone unconscious for a few seconds. She awoke to Zhongli protecting everyone in the room. But, Kaeya, Jean, Mona, Diluc were affected by the attacks and have been knocked. They weren't dead but... with the amount of strikes they took, they were slowly going to die.

"And you, princess of the Abyss. Your arm is bleeding, your legs are full of cuts, and even your stomach was sliced. Your allies over there are also knocked unconscious due to blood loss." The Huntress continues, pointing at Dainsleif and the Herald also knocked out at the other side of the room. Dainsleif tried to dash away, pulling the Herald with him but, her attacks were simply too fast to dodge.

"I... will not stop... until I defeat you..!" Lumine says, standing up, although using her sword that was thrusted into the ground, helping her balance herself. Her legs were getting tired, constantly spewing out blood but, she had casted a spell to heal it, which proves only a little effective.

"You, the 11th Harbinger. You're basically holding onto the thread of life. Your hand is about to fall off, your face has a huge cut, so, don't you think it's time to stop?" The Huntress says, pointing at Childe who was holding his hand as to make it not fall off. Barbara and Venti were protected by Zhongli's shield and now, Barbara's tasked to heal 9 people all at once.

She was panicking, crying after seeing the state Jean was currently in. She didn't know what to do but, simply thinking about what Jean would do in this situation is slightly calming her down. She knew that panicking would inevitably just ruin everything.

"I didn't even want you all to get involved. My plan was to simply separate the outsider from a different world and the Anemo archon who was supposed to supervise and only supervise." The Huntress sighs, looking exhausted. Her outfit was all torn apart, but still enough to cover herself like armor. She had 9 chains that were sprouting out of her back, seemingly getting used as tails or tentacles that she can manipulate and use as extra hands.

"Not part of your plan..? Heh, don't give me that bullshit. Even if you were to leave after finishing this plan of yours... I will not rest until I find you, and I'll kill you!" Lumine says, smirking as she starts charging the Huntress.

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