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Third Person's POV

"Shit!" Mona shouts, slamming the door that separated them from Aether. She was gritting her teeth in anger and worry. Knowing that this was a planned trap, who knows what else the Huntress has in store. She repeatedly punched the door using the bottom of her fist in frustration. 

"I'll handle it." Zhongli says, approaching Mona and readying his hands, maybe using his geo abilities to perhaps make the door collapse. Mona raised her palm, signaling him to stop with an already exhausted looking face. Zhongli gives her a confused look.

"It's sealed." She says, stepping backwards once as to get a good look at the door that's separating them. It wasn't that strong but, with a seal, any physical attacks or magic attacks can't do anything to break it. Thus, it needs to be unsealed first.

"Then get to work already." Childe says, having a worried, scared, and most of all, an angry face as he approaches Zhongli and Mona. Mona squints, a little curious and upset because he sounded so angry in saying it. 

"Why the hell are you mad at me?" Mona asks, crossing her arms as her brow furrowed. Childe clicks his tongue and was about to reply or retort until Zhongli got in between them, stopping the both of them from continuing. 

"Pointless arguing! Getting back with Aether is currently the most important." He says, looking at the both of them. Mona looks away, knowing that time is of the essence but still let her anger take control. Childe clicks his tongue once again as he walks a few steps away from them, looking at the direction they just came from. 

"Just... wait for me. I'll unseal this quickly." Mona says, nodding at Zhongli. He nods back and then heads on over to Childe as Mona starts working on unsealing the door. Zhongli believed that with her prowess, she could easily do such a task. He starts approaching Childe who was tapping his foot, gripping the bow in his hand.

"Childe. I get that you're worried but, stay calm. Getting mad isn't going to help anyone." He says, touching his arm, as he tries to comfort him. Childe sighs, knowing it really isn't going to do anything. He holds Zhongli's hand and breathes in, wanting to stay positive about the recent events.

"Sorry..." He says, having a sad face as he sighs. Zhongli smiles sweetly at him as he then pats his head, making Childe flinch but then sigh once again. 

"Keep an eye out for now." Zhongli says, knowing that it might help him focus on other things and get his worries away temporarily. He thinks that Childe might be the only one on this team to be able to force close range damage on the Huntress or other possible enemies. 

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