Date Amongst the Flowers

810 31 16

Venti's POV

I run towards Starsnatch Cliff, wanting to immediately reserve a spot for him and me. I really didn't want anyone taking that place from us first since it really is a good spot to just sit and talk about things happening currently. It was also very relaxing.

I really missed Aether. I do see him everyday but, just for a short while. Well, I might be overdramatic if I say it feels like years but, it really does. I was just so used to him being there and being so close to me that it feels so weird and unusual without him there. Seeing his recent actions, I'm sure he feels the same.

I then get to Starsnatch Cliff and I sigh in relief, seeing that no one was there yet. I quickly sit down at the very top, and relax myself, simply waiting for Aether to get here. It's been a month since we've started dating and it's been okay. Nothing noteworthy but, it was all so happy. It felt so amazing and so comforting to have someone like him.

Seeing and experiencing everything that's happening right now, I'm glad I didn't choose to just sit still and watch him from afar. I'm glad that I worked up the courage to confess. Granted, there were a few bumps here and there but, overall, it was all perfect. I then hear the sound of grass being crushed behind me, footsteps approaching. I turn around, seeing who it was.

"Oh, you're back?" I ask Aether, who then sits down next to me. I move slightly to the side, wanting him to get comfortable as well.

"Yep, and I brought something to eat!" He says, bringing out a paper bag. Come to think of it, I haven't eaten dinner yet, have I? Well, I love him so much because of this personality of his. He really does know what I want. It might've just been coincidence but still, it was nice of him to do this.

"Oh~ food! Did you bring any wine?" I ask, hoping there were drinks to go along with it as I take out the food that was inside of the paper bag. It was.. Northern Apple Stew..! He really does know me!

"Of course not. You would be too drunk then." He says, chuckling. I start eating the meal he gave me. Seeing as though he wasn't looking at the food at all, I assume he isn't hungry. Therefore, I can finish this!

"Well, okay..." I say in reply to his quite provocative comment about me. Although, it was true. I start eating the meal, wanting to finish as fast as possible so that I could maybe cuddle with him afterwards.

"The flowers are beautiful here." He says, touching the flowers that were on the ground next to him. I quickly swallow, finishing the meal and putting it back inside the paper bag as I start to get closer to him.

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