Extravagant Beginning of Greetings in Liyue

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Third Person's POV

"Alright~! Let's start heading to Liyue!" Mona exclaims, stretching her arms upwards as she stands up afterwards. 

"That was surprising. To think that you'll be wide awake after getting served free food." Venti smirks, teasing her as he stands up as well.

"Shut it. I still have loads of money but being given free stuff is still amazing." She says, defending herself as she grins. Venti feels quite annoyed by that provocative face. Aether and Paimon stands up as well.

"Where did your so called 'pride' go~?" Venti smirks, teasing her even further.

"Just shut up..!" Mona says in reply. Aether then sighs as he stands up as well, Paimon floating next to him.

"Shall we start walking?" Aether asks, holding the bar of the bridge as he waits for the three to answer his question. He wouldn't want to be left accidentally.

"Sure! I can't wait to see what kind of gifts they give~." Paimon says excitedly, kicking her feet downwards, as she flies around maniacally. The others simply chuckle at her obvious true actions.




Minutes of walking pass and they've just been chatting with each other. They were all really excited to get to Liyue. Not only because of the friends they've made there, but because of the yearly Lantern Rite. 

They've reached near the gate, specifically at the little area of grass directly in front of the mountain, she stops in her tracks. The others stop as well to see what was wrong with her that she had to stop.  Sadly,

"Ah... this is as far as I can go. Anymore than this and I'll get spotted. I'm sorry..." She says, sighing but, if she risks going into Liyue and getting caught by her master, she wouldn't hear the end of it. They all look at her worriedly.

"I'll keep you company! We can go and watch the Lanterns fly into the air!" Paimon says, floating around Mona. Mona seems to be extremely shocked at the offer. She knows that it's going to be boring for her if she waits until they come back but, Paimon's offer made her happy.

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