Making a little move

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Venti's POV

What the hell do I do exactly..? Seduce..? Do I even know anyone who knows how to do that? Well, I'm pretty sure there are some out there but, I'm sure I can't keep a straight face when I ask them how to seduce someone. 

Kaeya..? Well, he's more on the flirty-type. Pretty sure Aether has had enough of that. Lisa...? She could be a good choice. I'm not sure if I could get back to him alive though. Jean..? She's way too strict to be doing something like that, surely. Then who the hell could actually help me in this situation?

Mona.. Considering she just kicked me out of her house, I doubt she would answer my questions when she was the one who gave me this... 'advice'. I guess I should try to go to Lisa for questions but, I just hope I'll make it back alive. Well, Aether wasn't in the house so, I guess I have some time.

As I walk through the middle area of Mondstadt, I happen to notice Marjorie already open and selling. I assume she has some sort of items that I could use to.. 'entice?' Aether even more. I really need all I could get.

W-well..! I-it's not like I'm planning to go all the way... it-it's just for getting answers! That's all..! I blush, sighing as I notice that I'm mostly making excuses to myself. I come up to Marjorie, but first looking at what she has. I might just be assuming things and if I misunderstand again, it's going to be pretty embarrassing to talk to her. H-how should I go about this, though?

"U-Um..." I mumble, trying to get her attention. She flinches in surprise but then looks at me and smiles. 

"It's you! Where's your boyfriend?" She asks, smiling cheerfully. She just had to ask the question I wanted to avoid answering. 

"O-oh..! He's out doing hunting so, I- I have the morning to myself..!" I awkwardly laugh as she laughs along. I didn't need more pep talk about Aether since... this is already embarrassing enough.

"What do you need?" She asks, getting straight into business. I like that. It just means she won't ask any more questions about Aether. I sigh in relief but I then see her eyes open wide as she then smirks mischievously. I slightly flinch in fear.

"Are you looking for something to... pleasure your boyfriend~?" She asks as she nudges me while she smirks. I blush, flustered. W-while she was correct, I... didn't expect it to be quite obvious. I hesitantly nod. Her eyes burst wide open in surprise.

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