The Next Morning

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Aether's POV

Ah... It's so bright.. I groan, standing up as I was covering my eyes. I then go ahead and shut the curtains. Geez... the sun was basically right in front of my face. My eyes hurt just from opening them because of the brightness. I then start heading back to my bed. I lay down once again. I'm sure a little more sleep won't hurt. 

"Mn..." I hear a moan from the other side of the bed. Did I.. let that out? No way I could let out such a sound. I was just taking the blanket to cover me. My hand touches something warm and soft. Hm..? I rub my hand on it, wondering what it was. A pillow?

"Aether... how bold of you to touch me when I'm sleeping~." Venti says, smirking at me. I immediately back away and remove my hand from his... chest?! Ah! I remember now! How could I forget! Memories from last night were resurfacing. I then see him get up from laying down. I.. hope he isn't mad. I didn't mean to! His chest was... soft. N-no! Stop yourself, Aether..!

"I don't mind if you do it more, though~!" He says, giggling as he hugs me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. This kind of warmth is... dangerous. I smile as I lay my hand on his arms. So this is what having a lover feels like. Guess I should get used to being so close to a person. Well, I doubt I'd allow anyone else to get this close to me. I won't allow anyone to get this near Venti too.

"Should we start heading back to Mondstadt?" I ask him. We were still sitting on the bed but since Childe paid for this, I think we can stay a little longer. I'm fine with anything though. As long as Venti's here, I'm quite alright with anything. He lets out a "Hmm..." thinking about his answer.

"I'm fine with anything!" He says, smiling. I chuckle a bit at his answer being the same as mine. We can't just lay around in bed all day. But the Lantern Rite basically ended yesterday. Well, we could walk around Liyue for now and just get back to Mondstadt later. 

"Do you want to take a walk? We can leave for Mondstadt later." I ask him. I might be okay with it but it doesn't mean he will be. Though, I'm not sure he's okay with everything I suggest. He does tend to act sluggish when it involves something he doesn't want. 

"Sure! I've played enough pranks on Zhongli so, a walk would be good every once in a while." He says, getting off the bed and standing up immediately. I chuckle at his obvious excitement. Well, he hasn't walked around Liyue for leisure at all so, a walk would indeed be good. I stand up and fix the bed. I didn't have to but, it wouldn't feel right leaving it alone. 

"Let's go." I smile at Venti, seeing his adorable face first thing in the morning makes me so happy. I step out of the room after fixing everything in it. I open the door and let Venti out first. He smiles at me and walks out. I walk out after him and close the door. 

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