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Venti's POV

"I-I l-love you..!!" I say, out loud, closing my eyes and bowing my head, scared about his reaction and what he thinks about it. I wait and wait for him to say something, still shutting my eyes completely.




What? This... this is taking too long. He's.. he's still here anyway but, why isn't he answering? I open my eyes slowly and then glance on over to him. He was doing nothing but flipping over the pages of this one book, looking as if he was searching for a certain one. Did... Did he not hear my confession?

"...What are you doing..?" I ask him as I chuckle awkwardly. He was just focused on the book and still looking for that specific page. I can see that his eyes were moving really fast so, he might actually be searching for something. Was it the meaning of what I said to him? If that's the case then... this just makes me feel embarrassed. 

"Oh!" I hear this sound coming from him so I flinch and then quickly look at him, worried but curious about what his answer is going to be.

"I love you too!" He says, smiling sweetly. My eyes just burst wide open. Did he really say it..? Was this a dream..? I carefully observe his face and see that there was no signs of it being forced or anything. It was... genuine. I sigh. Relieved.

"...R-really? I might be a pain sometimes but━" 

"Platonically, right..?" He cuts me off as he then puts his pointing finger under his chin, gesturing that he was thinking whether it was the right term or not. 

But meanwhile, all I'm thinking of is, what the fuck. I face the table and the put my hands on the sides of my head as I then lay my elbows on my legs. Ugh. I knew it. I shouldn't have gotten ahead of myself.

I-I mean, it wasn't his fault or anything like that. He... he didn't know anything about love so I'm sure I still have a chance. Maybe. But I just find myself laughing at how ridiculous this whole situation must be from an outsider's point of view. 

Well, this was a huge misunderstanding. I spread my finger slightly so I could peek at him using one eye. He was already back to reading his book huh. Well, maybe one day, I could tell him that I love him 'romantically' and not platonically. 

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