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Venti's POV

You can never be happy without him.

A thought that runs around in my mind over and over again. I know that everything won't be the same without Aether. I really do know that. But what I also know that, he loves me, and only me, so very much. Why should I doubt his judgement? He loves me so, obviously he would want what was best for me... isn't that right, Aether?

Who are you fooling? You can never ever go back there. You would immediately go insane knowing that he's dead. He can never come back to you. He can never hug, touch, kiss, cuddle, and say that he loves you ever again.

I know that. As sad as it is, at least I know that he loved me genuinely. That was the one thing I asked for in this entire journey. If him loving me caused his death then, at least he died happy with me.

What if he wasn't happy? What if he didn't love you at all? What if he just forced himself to love you all this time?

These kinds of thoughts just keep on getting in my head. I mean, there isn't really a point in thinking or doubting his love for me this late. He was the one that kissed me, the one that married me, the one that did every single thing. He was the one who initiated everything. If he was truly being forced, 

Then why did he look so happy with me? Why did he look so comfortable, look so loved and smiled every single time he saw me? That's because he truly did love me. Mona was right. She's always right. Maybe except that one time but, it wasn't her fault. It was no one's fault. Despite being a god of this world, I couldn't even detect the Huntress' arrival.

I... just go so mad and miserable that I wanted to blame someone. I wanted to take my anger out on someone that was just here with me. I guess I was stupid enough to think I should do it to Mona. She didn't deserve my anger or hatred. She was there for me too. In fact, if she hadn't come up to me, asking about Aether, all of this would never happen.

Without her being there for both of us, we would never have gotten together. Same with Zhongli. That old bozo is always sad but, he looked happier every time he stared at that... Childe guy. And I'm happy for him. Even with all the sad things he's experienced ever since the Archon War, he's still here, living his day to day life.

And I should have prepared myself for this. I just didn't think it would happen since Aether was also immortal like me. It was... fun while it lasted. I miss him already...

Immortal  |  Aether  x  Venti  |  Genshin  ImpactWhere stories live. Discover now