Together, at last.

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Third Person's POV

Events from yesterday just felt like a vivid dream that Venti has every now and then. But seeing as though Aether had greeted him in his house, nonchalantly holding his hands, and even sneaks in a kiss on his cheeks reassured him that it was indeed real.

After their whole exchange yesterday, Venti just cried and cried on Aether's shoulders as he hugged him. Aether, not being able to do anything, just stayed and hugged him as he comforted him. 

"...Are you sure you want to stay with someone like me?" Venti asks, wiping away the tears on the corners of his eyes. Aether then reaches in, kissing him on the forehead.

"I'm sure. I love you and, nothing is going to change my mind." Aether says, smiling. Venti then sighs, realizing that he's going to have to deal with this and get used to this now. Though, getting used to seeing his lover smile and kiss him is still going to be near impossible. 

After that, they just both said goodbye to each other. Although, Venti was rather hesitant. Still standing, looking at Aether as he happily waved. He really wanted to stay but, he understands the Aether was maybe very tired.

Oh and, Paimon and Mona was nowhere to be seen. Maybe they were both looking at stars, looking at people's fates and just playing together. A sight like that put a smile on Venti's face as he then walks back to his house and then sleeps. 

Now back to the present. He's still in a current daze and confusion. He can't believe it but at the same time he was overjoyed. Certain emotions mix up with each other, thus making him a little bit nauseous and dizzy. 

He really didn't think this day would happen. He actually thought it was just going to be a secret to take to the grave and never accomplish anything or even mention it to anyone. It was just going to be an idea of a song about the bard and the traveler

Composing lyrics and matching notes and tones that would basically tell people that this is my happiness, and proudly showing it to everyone by displaying it perfectly and neatly. He planned to just keep it at that and hold on for as long as he could until he was caught red-handed by Mona when he was out observing the traveler.

Suspicions, regrets, and anxiety was immediately formed and thus creating a talk between Mona and Venti. Making Venti explain and say everything he has swore to never tell anyone but if he hadn't he wouldn't be here right now, and he would've just looked and seemed like a creep back then.

Immortal  |  Aether  x  Venti  |  Genshin  ImpactWhere stories live. Discover now