Over drinks

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Venti's POV

I stare at Aether, who had just returned from hunting with Childe, looking so worried about something. And whenever our eyes meet, he immediately looks away. Is he perhaps offended by something I did or said? Or did Childe say something that he shouldn't have..? I really want to ask him but seeing the way he is right now, doesn't seem like he'll be answering or replying to me at all.

Childe on the other hand... looks completely normal. Chatting with Zhongli and giving him random stuff. But really... Zhongli does seem a bit different when he's talking to Childe. Before, he gave off this cold and pressuring aura, but now, he was smiling so cheerfully, and giving off a happy aura. 

I look over to my right and see Aether looking down, appearing to be thinking about something. I wonder if I give off that aura too whenever I'm with him... Maybe I should ask Mona about it sometime. But for now, I should deal with... whatever this is. Mostly Aether. Should I start up a conversation? Or will it be too awkward? 

"...So.. how did the hunting go?" I ask him, slightly hesitating. What the hell? This is so awkward. Having to put on a fake smile to cover up how awkward it is just makes it worse. Hell, even the other two at the other side of the room seems to be affected by it. 

"...Good." He says, not looking at me at all. Well, his eyes just glance back and forth at me. He keeps looking at me, and then looking away immediately.

...Did he maybe figure out what I really meant? No, if that's the case, then she should've asked me by now. He was a very open and straight-forward person so, doubt that he's thinking about it over and over again. Unless...

No. Having these thoughts will just bring my hopes up only for it to come crashing down and giving me severe depression. As well as more cravings for alcohol... Yeah, I definitely have to confront him about this. Either right now, or later. Hopefully its later since, I really don't want it to be like this tomorrow.

Paimon and Mona will also get really mad at me if I didn't tell them anything eventful. They'll look at me as if they were looking at garbage bags at the side of the road and I really wouldn't like that so... I guess I'll have until the time we get back to Mondstadt to ask him about it. Wonder what's making him so nervous though.

Right now he was just glancing at me back and forth and I just had to deal with it awkwardly. It's not that I hated it, it's just that... it was too intense and serious. Not heart eyes or sparkling eyes just glares. Not really but, something like that I guess. 

The two in front of me were basically flaunting their love in front of me. Zhongli, though just one time, looked at me smugly and I just wanted to... give him a good punch on the face. Aether wouldn't want to see me do something like that to his friend so, naturally I didn't. Maybe I would later when he's not here actually.

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