Overjoyed Bard

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Venti's POV

I yawn, a little bored of just waiting. We were both just waiting for others to come to us at Good Hunter since, I'm pretty sure this is where Paimon told people where we are. Instead of making them search for us, we decided to wait here. I look over at the boy who was at the seat in front of me. He looked extremely happy. Which made me happy as well.

Not only that, he was also super adorable. I mean, he's always adorable but, it's really showing right now due to excitement, the gifts, and his friends' appearances. I can see that they all really liked Aether, which I'm happy about. Friends are always a good thing to have in your journeys. I didn't really expect the gifts though. Still, I'm thankful for them.

"There he is!" A voice could be heard from the right of us, in the direction of Mondstadt's gates. We both stand and look over at the voice we heard. They then came running as soon as they saw that it was us.

"Congratulations to you both!" The boy says, shaking my hand a little rough and obviously excited. 

"Thank you for coming to us, Bennett!" I say, shaking his hand as well and smiling at him. It's a little weird that this is a big deal to all of them. I mean, we didn't get married or anything, we just... became lovers. But then again, I'm still happy.

"Congratulations, Aether." Razor says, smiling and hugging Aether tightly. Made me a little bit jealous but, they're just friends and he already has me so, I'll let it slide for now. Aether hugs him back and thanks him as well.

" I, Fischl, Prinzessin der Verurteilung, have appeared in front of you to congratulate the both of you and bless you dearly! May the heavens watch over the both of you as her majesty and familiar will surely do the same. The strings of fate has connected both of you together, which is exactly why your relationship will surely be filled with nothing but enjoyment!" Fischl yells out, leaning forward and looking very prideful in saying it. I simply chuckle at her little speech.

"She simply means congratulations and that you can reach out to us if you need anything." Oz translates, summarizes rather, her entire speech in something that is easily and better understood. I smile at the both of them.

"Thank you and we'll keep it in mind!" I say, shaking Fischl's hands and petting Oz on the head. To think that Aether has such reliable friends make me quite relieved with our future together. Surely no villains or ruffians will have the guts to come at us.

"Congratulations to you boys!" Cyrus says, patting both of our head roughly, making our hair a mess. He smiles brightly.

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