Seeking advice... again

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Venti's POV

I wake up with difficulty. My eyes squint, trying to take in the light. Or what I assume is the light. I don't even know if it's day time or not. I'm only feeling a raging headache and seeing a familiar ceiling. I place my hand on my head, trying to calm it down or something to ease it a little. Did I get too drunk last night? I can't even remember a single thing. Like how I got here, or how I even fell asleep. 

I sigh, thinking about whether or not I should tone down on the drinking a little bit. I was a bit too... happy yesterday. I mean, it's the first time I get to show my relationship out to the world. Telling everyone about it and none of them even said anything bad. They were all kind to us which made me feel even happier. Well, that happiness did make me go a little too overboard.

I sit, still on my bed, my back aching a lot, assuming that it was because of me falling or something. I did remember that I fell off the chair in the tavern. I didn't remember anything after that though. I look around the room and see that Aether wasn't here at all. There was a cup of water, but there was also a little note placed on the bed, right next to my hand. I lift it up and start reading.

"Hey Venti! Sorry I had to leave and didn't have the chance to greet you but, I had to go to work... There's a cup of water on the table next to you to help ease your hangover and there's also something to eat in the fridge! I'll go back to your house soon so, I hope everything's okay! 

- Aether."

...What a cute little note. I was practically smiling the entire time I read it. I sigh. To think that I finally have a lover that was not mean, not abusing or not manipulative but just... perfect. He even went out of his way to make breakfast for me! I feel rather happy knowing that that person was my lover. I keep wanting to cry thinking about it. 

But there was something weird I'm feeling for a while. It's like... this blanket was directly touching my skin. It was too cold. I touch my chest and feel my... skin? I look down and see that I was.. shirtless? I stand up immediately and feel my entire body. 

I was naked?! I stare down on my bed and see that the towel, that I assume was wrapped around me, fell off. I quickly pick it up and cover my body with it as I then rush to the closet. Reaching the cabinet, I got on my knees and internally panicked about this. 

What did I do last night? What happened last night? Did something even happen last night? I stand up once again and head to a mirror. I inspect my body, looking up and down. No obvious signs of... well, difference, so to say. My butt wasn't hurting, but my head was feeling like it was being hit by a shovel.

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