again, before we get started

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HEY HEY wow it's so weird starting a book again it feels so odd. I'm glad you're here, I'm glad youre excited for the second book. But, of course, I have to clarify a few things before we get started.

- this is set three months after. lol bit of a time jump deal with it (i just didn't want another massive scary event to happen to the girls DIRECTLY after the last book, so I've made them 3 months later. i think i said it was July last book but I can't find it, so it's like October now. If the time line is fucked please ignore it

- if you haven't watched agents of shield (you should😐🪚) you might be a bit confused on some of the characters but it's okay, I'll try to explain them in the story.

- there's a lot of action in this one so it might be longer idk.

- I know in my last book I said I wasn't going to include the multiverse, but I'm gonna give it a go. Now I know absolutely fucking nothing about it so this will probably be very factually incorrect but please please ignore that:).

- also, leading on from that point ^ the scientific side of the plot ive come up with for this makes no sense. I've tried to make it make sense, bitch doesn't work. It makes no scientific sense whatsoever, please bare that in mind and don't question it

Any changes in the characters:
• Sharon Carter is still on the run living in Madripoor because I need it. Also, in this one, she kinda has this group of her crime friends and they're all women because i'm a lesbian and I love women??
• wanda didn't take away all of agatha's powers when they fought in episode 9 but agatha is still agnes in west view (when wanda put her back at the end of ep 9)
• any other changes that aren't that big I'll just address in the story

- I have the rough idea of the plot, but it's not completely air tight so just be patient with me and I'll make it work I promise

- I will start it by posting the first chapter this Friday.

And I hope you'll enjoy

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