Something strange

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By the time the two girls made it back to their cosy cabin, the sun had only hinted at the fact it was close to setting. It hung in the sky - lower than usual - but it was still in the sky, shining down on everything below. The cabin stood proudly in the centre of the green, as it always did, and the girls smiled when they saw it.

As the jet came to a land on the grassy ground, y/n placed her hands on her hips and trailed around the inside. Then, as the doors slowly fell open, she sighed with surprise.

"Wow, I had no idea we could do that." She huffed and helped wanda up from her seat, "that was impressive."

If the two had flown the quinjet in its own normal speed, they would've gotten home by the time the mood took its place in the sky. But, because the only two passengers on the jet were both witches, they were able to use their own strengths for their advantage. With a push from both of their powers into the engine, the jet travelled double the speed that a standard sword jet does, allowing them to get there a lot faster.

Wanda smiled at her and shrugged, "yeah, well, I don't wanna do it with non witches in the jet, it's probably too dangerous."

"I don't know." Y/n hummed, the hand of her love resting in her own, "I think Monica would love a flight like that."

"Oh, I'm sure she would." Wanda agreed as they left the open hatch of the jet.

Just before leaving, y/n slammed her hand on the button to close the hatch, which left her slightly behind wanda.

Instead of waiting for her, wanda turned and smiled briefly, "I'll be inside. Do you want anything to drink?"

"A water will be fine." Y/n smiled to her.

With a nod, she left the quinjet and began making her way across the grass field. When she realised that wanda was inside the cabin, she dropped her head to the ground to scan it as she walked through. While her feet guided her to the porch, her eyes stayed glued to the ground until she finally found what she had been looking for.

She crouched down and picked it up in her hands before continuing her walk with no further pauses. During her walk, she tossed it up in the air before catching it in her hand once again, because what she had in her hand was, of course, a rock.

So, she slid the rock into her pocket and finally lifted her head to watch herself as she climbed up the steps and onto the porch and the doorway. The door was already left open for her arrival, so she simply pushed it forward and walked into the house.

When she entered, wanda was waiting for her at the kitchen counter with a glass of water in her hand and a smile on her face. "Thank you for taking me home early. I'm sorry to take you away from your friends."

"Don't apologise, wanda." The girl softly shook her head, "when you want to go, I'll drop everything and go with you. I always will and you know that."

The more wanda looked at her, the more she realised why she was in love with her. She kept her eyes on her for long enough to memorise every tiny detail and to fall in love with each of them.

"I love you, y/n." She reminded her.

Y/n softly smiled with a loving look in her eyes, "I love you, too."

"Your water." Wanda smiled while handing the glass to her.

"Thanks, you're an Angel." She groaned as she took the glass from her hand and drank from it. After drinking as much water as she could, she gasped in relief and smiled, "thank you, wanda, I needed that."

Wanda chuckled softly, "yeah, I could tell."

"Should we watch the new season of killing eve, my love?" Y/n suggested.

"Of course. Yes, yes, yes, let's watch it." She excitedly smiled.

Wrapping her arm around her girlfriend, y/n strolled over to the couch and dropped herself onto it, catching wanda as she gently pulled her down as well. Wanda giggled while she fell into the arms of her girlfriend before pushing herself up to look down at y/n's face.

"You're beautiful." Wanda told her, "do I say that to you enough?"

"No." Y/n chuckled and shook her head, "but I like it." She perched her head up and placed a kiss on wanda's mouth.

When y/n pulled out of the kiss, wanda held the back of her neck and used it to gently pull her back in to it. Of course, y/n didn't protest, but it didn't change the fact that she was confused.

Then, when wanda finally pulled out, y/n smiled to her and watched her drop down to her own place in the couch.

Y/n squinted, "someone's excited to watch killing eve."

"Yep." Wanda turned and looked at her. However, the look that she gave her was different to any other way she'd looked at her before. She stared at her, deeply, almost as if the examine her, but it still had the sense of love within the scan.

"Ooh, I got you something." Y/n remembered and began pulling the item from her pocket.

"What is it, baby?" She asked, sitting forward with her excited feeling.

She held the rock out in her hand and presented it to her girlfriend, "here."

"Oh." Although she looked at it with confusion and furrowed brows, she smiled, "thanks."

Wanda leant forward and gently placed the rock on the table in front of her, where she then leant back into her spot on the couch.

Y/n playfully squinted at her, "you're not gonna put it in the special drawer?"

"Why would I do that?" She asked with a small laugh.

She laughed awkwardly, "because-." Then she paused and dropped her laugh the longer she looked at her girlfriend, "nevermind. I know you're tired."

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