Sneaking around

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"Wanda," y/n whispered, her hand locking tighter around wanda's, "watch your step."

For a moment, the two girls managed to sneak off in the darkness to wherever y/n led them without any trouble. However, just after y/n said those words, she heard the small squeal coming from her love as she felt a weight drop against her. Panicked, she turned instantly and, even through the pitch black, she could see the way Wanda's face lit up as she tried to hide her giggle.

"I just told you to watch your step!" Y/n giggled but kept as quiet as she could; she didn't want to wake up Stephen and deal with whatever consequences that would bring.

"I'm sorry, I just got distracted." The witch's blush was almost noticeable in the darkness.

"We're almost there," she assured her, gripping her hand tightly, "do you think you can stay focused enough until we get there?"

"Yes- yes, as long as you hurry up." She muttered.

Whilst they continued into the dark hallway, y/n fought back the urge to reply with a sarcastic comment. Even though she would usually be sarcastic with Wanda, she wanted to spend every second loving her. She wanted to love her to make up for all the time they missed; she wanted to love her incase Agatha took away their chance again.

Wanda felt y/n's hand slip away from hers in the darkness to open the door. She sighed to herself in relief - they finally made it. Y/n grunted under her breath every time the large door produced a creak that echoed into the narrow hall, but released her breaths when her and wanda could fit through the slit in it.

Before she had anytime to ask questions, the light in the middle of the room drew wanda's attention to it.

"What's this?" She looked down at it - her eyes shining with wonder, her mouth harbouring a small smile.

Candles were spread across a sheet on the ground - their fires burning a blue light into the room. Surrounding the sheet were pillows to make it comfortable for the girls, and a plate of food for them to feast on as they watched the sun rise out of the large window like y/n planned.

"Date night," y/n smirked to her as she led her by the hand and sat down beside her on the pillows. "You really think that being in a wizards mansion would stop us from having date night?"

"Y/n, you-..." Wanda paused, "how did you even do this?"

"The sheets and pillows were easy to get, I just kept telling Strange that he didn't give me the right ones. I was surprised that he didn't notice he'd given me new pillows four times," she shrugged, "he's not as smart as he thinks he is."

As wanda's gaze was cast over the layout once again, she felt her pent up emotions rising to the surface. However, those emotions weren't so much love and care like y/n's were, but instead pain and a slight guilt. She seemed to fade out while listening to the sound of y/n's voice, until nothing was audible at all.

"I stole these candles when we were walking around the sanctum, and I lit them with my magic. That's why they're... blue, but you probably figured that out." She aimlessly rambled.

The entire time y/n spoke, wanda's eyes began clouding to a blur, until soon, she wasn't able to contain it any longer.

When it happened - when wanda broke, even though it was just for a second - y/n froze. All it took was the single tear that slid down wanda's cheek in the candlelight for y/n to return to the loving girlfriend once again. Since the day wanda was taken from her, she hadn't felt that comfort. But when she saw Wanda desperately trying to contain the waterfall that cascaded down her puffed cheeks, everything returned.

"Wanda, what's wrong?" She instantly worried - but kept as calm as she could, "hey- hey, what's wrong, my love? Was it something I said?"

As Wanda gently held y/n's hand, she sniffed back her urge to let anymore tears out, "it's not you."

"Who is it?" Y/n's eyes flashed for a moment as she prepared to wreak havoc on whoever brought out that feeling, "Wanda, who's made you feel like this?"

"No- y/n, it's..." it soon became evidently clear that Wanda wasn't going to be able to express how she felt.

It didn't take a second for Y/n to realise what was best for wanda, and instead of pressuring her to explain, she wrapped her arms around her. The moment wanda was safe in y/n's grasp, she fell weak into her body.

The warm comforts she got from her love caused the tears to flow faster and the breaths to come shorter. As y/n gently ran her fingers through Wanda's hair to keep her calm, her heart dropped. The way wanda had to gasp for air between her sobs shook y/n to her core, until she had tears of her own in her eyes.

"Wanda, you're okay," y/n bit her lip until she tasted a hint of blood to stop herself from breaking down along with Wanda. Not because she wasn't comfortable with it, but because she needed to stay strong to help wanda. "I'm here. And I'm not gonna let anything happen to you again. You got it?"

All she could do was keep her arms locked around Wanda. In that moment, she froze entirely. She'd seen wanda cry before, but it had never been as bad as this. Wanda was desperately sobbing and gripping  onto y/n as though she was silently begging for forgiveness.

It didn't make sense. Wanda had nothing to apologise for - y/n thought.

Ignoring all of the thoughts that raced around her head, y/n pressed her head against Wanda's and sat with her. She didn't say anything, she didn't try to get wanda to open up. She just sat with her - holding back her own tears as she felt wanda's spew out of her.

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