In a pixel world

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"I'm getting shot at." Wanda froze and rapidly tapped y/n's shoulder in a panic for the second time.

"You're not, wanda, there's nothing around you, I checked." She assured her, lightly brushing over her hand with her own.

Wanda sighed and returned to playing until her character took more damage, which sent her into the same panic, "IM GETTING SHOT AT!"

"Wanda, you jumped off of a cliff. You're not getting shot at, you've just broken your legs." Y/n hid a chuckle.

"Oh." She nodded, "but I can still walk."

"Yeah, it was a-..." She shook her head, "joke, nevermind."

After the jaw dropping performance y/n did for wanda last night, the two had their little planned date at the island and went to bed in the early hours of the morning. The sun was coming to its rise by the time they made it back into the cabin, but that didn't bother them.

The moment they got in, they changed to their comfortable clothes and slid into bed, where they fell asleep right away in each other's arms. By the time they'd woken up, it was already the afternoon. Instead of dwelling on the fact that they'd wasted most of the day, they decided to use the rest of it to be casual and lazy.

Y/n suggested that the two play a game that wanda had never heard of, but since she seemed so excited to explain it, wanda decided to play it anyway and learn along the way. So, once they'd gotten out of bed and eaten something, they sat themselves down on the couch - as close to each other as they could get - and they began playing.

Of course, it took wanda some time to learn the basics and overall idea of the game, but, luckily, she was a fast learner. It was going peaceful and well for the two until wanda had mindlessly ventured away into the world and got lost in the nighttime.

"Can you come and get me?" Wanda asked in a whiny voice.

"I'm on my way, don't worry, darling."

"Good, because if something comes up behind me then I'll-."

Before wanda could finish her sentence, her character was killed and her screen went red. She completely cut herself off and went silent to process what happened, whereas y/n bit back her giggle as she knew exactly what it was by what she could see on the screen.

After a few moments of silence, y/n gave wanda a look, "you alright there, my love?"

"What the fuck just killed me?" She turned sharply.

"That would be a creeper. They're like green ugly things that blow up if you get too close."

"Are you-." She took a breath and turned back to the tv.

Once she stared at the tv for long enough, she impulsively summoned a blast of her magic and cocked her hand up to the tv as if she was to strike it. But, because y/n's eyes were always on her girlfriend, she was able to grab her wrist and stop her from hitting the tv screen.

"WOAH- woah, no, wanda, don't do that." She softly told her while she gently placed her hand back onto her controller, "what's the matter?"

"I hate this game." She shrugged, "and when I lose in games, I get angry."

"You're not losing, we're in this together. You just... keep dying, we can work on that." Y/n told her.

Wanda shook her head, "I just lost all my stuff."

"You mean your oak sapling and 3 apples?" She cocked her brow, "I'm sure we can get that back."

"If I die again, that tv is getting thrown in the lake."

Y/n chuckled softly, "you don't need to do that. Look, I got you something. Respawn and I'll come give it to you."

"How do I do that?" Wanda asked, looking down at all of the buttons on her controller. Instead of explaining it to her, y/n leant forward and pressed the button for her before dropping back down to her own seat. Wanda smiled lovingly, "thank you."

"I see you." She told her as she began moving her character over to her.

"I can't see you." Wanda told her.

"Yeah, because you're facing the wrong way."

"What way should I face?"

"Behind you."

"Oh." With the short huff of realisation, she turned herself around.

"Wanda, that was to your left."


"Just stay there, I'm right behind you."

"Y/n, I can't fucking see you." While she groaned to herself in frustration, she started guiding her character away in the woods to look for y/n.

"Where are you going?" Y/n asking, trying her best to keep up behind her.

"Looking for you, and I-." She gasped with excitement and lightly punched y/n in the shoulder to get her to notice, "i found a wolf- I found a wolf."

"Tame it." She suggested, "you can make it yours, just use these bones."

"Oh my god, I'm gonna call it max, short for maximoff." She took the bones y/n dropped for her and turned to the dog with excitement.

Y/n dropped her attention on the game and turned to look at wanda. She wanted to fully admire how happy and excited she was, because that was something she loved so dearly about her.

However, as y/n wasn't watching what wanda was doing on the screen, she wasn't able to prevent what wanda did. Instead of giving the bones to the dog, she pressed the wrong trigger, and accidentally hit it.

Of course, the dog began attacking her, but she didn't know how to stop it. She didn't even realise that it was actually attacking her until she was low on health, and by then, she was already begging for y/n to help her.

But by the time y/n gained control of her character, the dog had already hit wanda enough times to kill her character entirely, showing the red screen once again.

Just like last time, wanda went completely silent and froze to adjust to what had happened, while y/n looked at her with a tenseness - wondering what she was going to do.

After another long moment of silence, wanda placed her controller on the table in front of her, stood up, and began walking away, "I'm done with this game."

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