The other life she had

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When the wind whistled through the room and pushed the curtains back once more, y/n sat herself up from her rest. "Do you want me to close that for you? Is that why you can't sleep?"

"No, y/n, that's not why." Wanda rubbed her eyes as she remained lying in her place.

"Do you want tea? Or I can make you something to eat if you'd like." Y/n offered, her thoughts running wild at ways to help Wanda, "I can get more blankets if you're not comfortable."

"Y/n, it's not anything like that." She shook her head, dismissing the help she was getting. Something was keeping her up, but she didn't want to share it with y/n.

With a small sigh, y/n dropped herself back into bed and outstretched her hand with a small smile. "Come lay with me, let me hold you." When no movement happened in the darkness, y/n's smile began to drop, and the tension began to rise. The tension that they could both feel. "Are you okay, Wanda?" She asked as she took her comforting arms back to herself.

"Yeah." Wanda mumbled as she forced herself to face the wall instead of the girl beside her.

"Okay." Y/n decided to let it go. Perhaps it was the tiredness that caused this mood - y/n told herself. Pulling up the covers, she spoke, "goodnight. I love you."


That was all she got in response. Whether it was overreacting or not, y/n forced herself up once again and flipped the lamp on beside her so she could see Wanda. When she saw that Wanda wasn't facing her, she furrowed her brows and decided that she wouldn't let it go.

"Wanda, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, y/n." Wanda dismissed in an obvious lie.

"Please, Wanda, you can tell me," her voice became desperately weak as she thought of all the things she could've done wrong to make Wanda feel the way she felt, "I need you to tell me."

Wanda bit her lip to hold herself back, "I can't."

"I promise you, whatever it is, you can tell me."

No matter how much emotion y/n put into her words, her begs, her pleads, wanda didn't seem to absorb any of it. It was as if she'd put up a wall between the two of them for no reason.

"You're not gonna wanna hear it." Wanda told her.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

She sighed out a heavy breath, "please just forget about it."

"Wanda, I think i deserve an answer." Y/n told her firmly, since a soft approach wasn't working.

"Can you just drop it?" She moved - only for a moment - as she dismissed y/n's persistence.

"No." Y/n bluntly told wanda, which almost shocked her, "No, Wanda, how can you say that? Do you know how worried I've been? I finally got you back and you can't even look at me the same way. What did Agatha do to you?"

"She didn't do anything, she just-..." her words fizzled out as she took another breath.

"She what?" Y/n asked, but when she received no answer, her voice raised, "'she just' what, Wanda?"

Wanda finally blurted it out, "she showed me something."

It didn't seem like much of an explanation to y/n, so she delved deeper into it, "what did she show you?"

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