The dress

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As y/n looked at herself in the mirror and at the way the dress wrapped around her body, she scoffed to herself. She knew she wasn't going to wear a dress, but she wanted to try on the one that Sam had got her just to make him feel better.

"You decent yet?" Sam asked, groaning impatiently as he waited at the other side of the door.

"I'm not wearing this, Sam," she told him.

"Come on, you haven't even given it a chance yet. I'm sure it looks great," he spoke through the wood of the door.

Without any warning, y/n used her magic to pull the door open, causing Sam to unexpectedly stumble into the room. Once he stood comfortably on his feet again, he cleared his throat before his eyes landed on y/n.

"I'm wearing a suit instead," she made up her mind without even looking at him.

"Oh, seriously, come on, you look great," Sam tried to assure her, but nothing was going to work, "you haven't even given it a chance."

With a huff, she turned on her heel to look at him. It took him a moment to take his eyes off of her in that dress, but when he did, he was only met with y/n's annoyed look.

"Because I would rather kill myself then let anyone else see me in this," she groaned, "this is so impractical, what if we get attacked? I cant fight in this. What if Agatha shows up? I won't be able to kill her while looking like this."

"But you'll look amazing trying to," Sam tried to make her feel better, but all he got was another groan in response, "Y/n, I really don't understand what the problem with it is."

To anyone else, there wasn't a problem with it. In fact, anyone else would've complimented the boys for picking something so beautiful. Y/n didn't think about it at first, but if she was to show up in a dress like that, Wanda wouldn't be able to let it go.

The dress was navy blue, of course, but whether it was an intentional decision made by the boys to have a dress in the colour of her powers, y/n didn't know. It's soft silk material was held at her shoulders by thin straps that hung across the open backing of the dress. There was a deep recede in the chest of the material that ended below her own chest, allowing a firm but risky showcase of her body.It's skirt hung along the floor with two slits on each side, which allowed her legs to be displayed whenever she walked.

When y/n first put it on, she couldn't help but find herself infatuated with the reflection she looked into, but that infatuation soon died down when Bucky had knocked on the door to check on her and Sam.

Without a thought, she opened the door to see Bucky standing there in his suit, finishing the bite he'd taken out of the apple in his hand. It seemed as if he planned to say something, but it was as if the thought left his mind the moment he saw y/n. Once he'd swallowed the bite of apple, his mouth opened ever so slightly, and didn't close while he walked into the room and kept his eyes on y/n.

Not taking much notice of it, y/n had returned to standing in front of the mirror until she caught Bucky's reflection gaping at her. In a slight moment of panic, she turned and looked at him.

"Is something wrong?" She asked.

"No- no, you just..." he paused for a moment, "look great, that's all. I knew that dress would look good on you," he nodded as he continued eating the fruit in his hand, cautiously trying not to crush it with the metal grip.

"Don't get your hopes up, man," Sam leant in to him to murmur, "she's not wearing it."

"I have to go with a suit instead," she turned to the two.

"We didn't get you a suit, y/n," Sam shrugged, "you don't have a suit to wear."

"I'll just borrow one of Stephens," she decided.

Bucky furrowed his brows, "you do realise you two have wildly different body types, right?"

"It might need some alteration, but that doesn't matter. It'll be easy," she assured them.

"What's the problem with the dress?" Bucky asked.

"Don't even start, I can't get a solid answer," Sam told him.

Just as Bucky was about to either bicker with Sam or convince y/n to keep on what she was wearing, they all heard Stephen clear his throat from behind the door and knock firmly against its wood.

Immediately, y/n shook her head to Bucky and practically hid herself by the mirror, so Bucky pulled himself up and over to the door. He opened it quickly, but made sure to keep his foot against it so that Stephen couldn't come through.

"You guys nearly ready?" Strange asked, "we're leaving soon- wheres y/n?"

"She's hidden herself," Bucky told him, holding the door at an angle to keep Strange from seeing any further into the room, "so dramatic."

"She wants to wear one of your suits instead," Sam told him, "do you mind getting her one?"

"I thought you boys got everyone outfits," his brows dropped.

Bucky nodded, "we got her a dress, but she's adamant that she won't wear it."

"Of course. Y/n can handle a lot of things, but not something as simple as a dress. I thought she was better than that," the wizard muttered, "I'll have a look and see what I can find."

As Sam closed the door and Stephens footsteps disappeared down the hall, y/n looked at the two boys with shock on her face.

"What's up?" Bucky asked.

"Did he seriously just say I couldn't handle wearing a dress?" She asked, her tone venomous with accusation.

The boys looked at each other and Sam shrugged as he decided to be the one to say something, "I mean, you have spent the last hour complaining about this dress, y/n. Is it wrong for Strange to say you can't handle it?"

"It's not because I can't handle it, it's because I-," she paused, trying to finish her sentence. In all honesty, she didn't know why she wasn't set on wearing it.

If she had already shocked people by agreeing to go to a party like that, she might as well have shocked them more by wearing something so out of character.

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