New York sanctum

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"Thank you, Sharon. You helped us on such short notice, i don't know how we can repay you." Sam nodded to her.

She shrugged, "you'll owe me one."

"You ready to go yet?" Strange asked from where he stood.

Y/n gave him a death stare while she helped wanda to a stand again, "can't you wait five minutes?"

Instead of replying, he rolled his eyes and returned to silence. Which was the best thing to do, really. If he decided to say anything back, an argument would've formed which then would've wasted more of their time.

The portal Strange was going to take the team through was already set up in the middle of Sharon's base, and strange stood beside it, waiting for the team to move. After Mack and Daisy's departure, Stephen urged the team to hurry so they would be able to leave as quickly as they could. There wasn't a particular reason as to why strange wanted to get away so quickly, but he didn't want to risk anything. That, or he was incredibly impatient.

While Sam thanked Sharon, y/n made sure wanda was feeling alright while they got ready. And Bucky, of course, stuck closely beside Sam - no matter what he did or where he went.

"You doing okay?" Y/n asked once again.

Wanda giggled softly to herself. "You don't need to ask me that every 5 minutes, you know?"

"I'm just making sure." She gave her a playful look. "Where's your jacket?"

Wanda thought for a moment, "it's probably in my room. Wait here, I'll go grab it."

"Be quick." Y/n said to her just before she disappeared around the corner.

Just after Wanda vacated her spot beside y/n, it was very quickly filled by someone else. Not just someone else, but Ruby - the agent who seemed to take quick the liking towards Wanda's girlfriend.

"Its a shame to see you go." She told her, leaning against the wall that y/n was standing closest to.

"Uh-" y/n remained packing the duffel bag Sharon lent her as casually as she could, while her eyes frantically searched for wanda. "Yeah, well... I can't stay here forever, can I?"

"You probably could." Ruby shrugged. Y/n faked a laugh while peering her head around the corner to find Wanda. "Sharon would love to have you here for longer. You're welcome anytime."

Y/n could've been blunt with her, but she wanted to leave things on a good note with Sharon's agents in case she ever did need to stay with them again.

"Thank you, Ruby, but I really don't think you'll have enough room for me when all the other girls are back." She told her. That was the excuse she went with.

"You could share my room." She suggested.

Before y/n could even think of what to say to her, wanda had already returned from what was her temporary room and overheard the conversation immediately - and, of course, she wasn't going to let it go.

"Am I invited?" Wanda asked, instantly standing between the two while sending a deathly stare to Ruby.

Ruby shrugged, "I think I'll only have room for y/n. I'm sure you can stay in someone else's room, they won't mind."

The Scarlet Apprentice 2: The Multiverse Between UsWhere stories live. Discover now