These new walls

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"I'm surprised you haven't forgotten how to land a sword jet." Monica mentioned as she began opening the hatch to the jet.

"Hey, it's only been a few months since the last time I landed one, that's not that long." Y/n furrowed her brows while helping wanda out of her seat once she was out of her own.

"I watched the footage, y/n." She told her, "the last time you landed it, you crashed it into the ground and left it on."

"Nothing bad happened." She shrugged.

"It broke."

"Oh." She dropped her cocky facial expressions for a brief moment.

Once the jet landed on the gravel of the sword base, the girls could already sense the new aura of righteousness and peace. The air seemed lighter and nicer, and even the late evening air lost its sense of bitter sharpness. When they stepped off of the jet and onto swords ground, they collectively took a sigh and stretched their legs for a moment.

"I can't wait to see Darcy and Jimmy again." Y/n smiled to Monica who was closer to the building, then she turned, "come on, wanda."

Wanda lingered behind the two of them, occupied by something on the ground, which y/n realised. She held her hand out for wanda to take it, signifying to her that they were ready to go into the building. So, wanda pulled the flower she was looking at out of the ground and excitedly made her way over to y/n, where she took her hand with ease.

"I got you something." Wanda smiled to her as the two of them began walking.

"Oh, yeah?" Y/n cocked her brow, "what did you get me?"

"This pretty little flower." Wanda smiled at it as she held it up to y/n's level.

Y/n's encouraging smile was wiped from her face when she realised what wanda held in her hand. The moment she saw it, memories flushed through her head, memories that held an unbearably heavy weight. In wanda's hand was the beautiful yet painful reminder of y/n's first real love: a daisy.

Y/n didn't want to bring back the memories, she couldn't; not now, and not here, so she dismissed the gift in her own way.

"You could just leave the gift giving from nature to me, you know?" She laughed awkwardly to hide the truth from wanda.

"I know, I just thought this could be cute." She shrugged, twirling the daisy in her fingertips.

"Not a daisy, okay?" Y/n whispered to her in a quick beg. It was the whisper of desperation as she was hoping to quickly get rid of the topic altogether, so that they'd never have to talk about it again.

"Why?" Wanda's face scrunched in confusion.

"Just..." She softly grabbed ahold of wanda's hand and put on the nicest smile she could, despite the feelings flowing through her, "not a daisy."

"Okay, I'll... find something else." Wanda dropped the daisy to the ground and began walking through the doors with y/n, not thinking too much of it.

When the two entered through the glass doors of the facility, they immediately noticed the change. Not only did they see the obvious changes like the rearranging of the furniture, or the new uniforms, but they noticed the mood the agents seemed to have. Even if they hadn't spoken to them yet, they could see that they seemed to be proud of their job, which was something not a lot of them felt under Hayward's authority.

The buildings walls were slick and smooth; and although they were the same colour, they held a fresher and nicer essence. It was the essence that Maria Rambeau built the organisation on, and the essence that had been erased by Hayward when he took over. Now that he was gone, the organisation could be remade with the morals it was founded on.

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