The old wound

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"Is the reading still there?" Y/n asked Simmons as she paced behind her to get into the main room of the zephyr.

By now, they'd all flooded to the inside of the zephyr and prepared to take off once Jemma announced the coordinates of their destination. Y/n, of course, followed behind her like a lost and desperate puppy.

Once Jemma got to the table and saw that the energy was still at the park, she sighed in relief and held the smallest smile on her face, "yes, they're still there."

"Okay, good, we need to leave right now." Sam ordered.

"Wait, we've gotta make sure everyone's with us." Mack announced.

"Everyone who's coming is right in this room, mack, we've got to leave." Y/n countered.

"Not everyone." He told her, sending a glance to fitz and Simmons who stood at his side.

Just by the look on his face, the two instantly knew who he was talking about, which sent them plunging to an uncomfortable silence. Y/n, who noticed their silence almost immediately, sent them a harsh stare which caused them to look down to the floor at their feet.

"Who are you talking about?" She asked, her tone burning into them.

Y/n had no idea who Mack had brought into the mission with her, for she never had the motivation to question it. She didn't particularly care who came with her, just as long as the mission was done. However, what she didn't know, was that she would care helplessly for the agent that she didn't know was on the zephyr with them.

Of course, the agent, daisy johnson knew that it would be her chance to reunite with y/n again, but she didn't know much about the circumstances that caused the opportunity to arise. Mack told daisy the same thing he told everyone, which was that he needed them to team up again to help y/n, so that was all daisy knew about it.

"I don't have time for this, just tell me who it is." Y/n pleaded.

However, her words were hardly uttered before the innocent look of confusion was struck off her face and succeeded by the blankest of expressions. The moment she heard the footsteps she'd spent so much time of her past memorising, she froze entirely. Then, once the girl who entered saw the back of y/n's head, she froze too, even though she had the time to spend for preparation. It was the shock of finally being in the same room as her again. The fact that, if it was allowed, she could place her hands on the soft skin of y/n's face once again. That was what caused her to freeze: the disbelief of it all.

Y/n's breath hitched as all the feelings she'd worked so hard to push down began rising up again, and she slowly turned to face the bearer of those feelings.

The moment the girls' eyes locked together with that familiar and instant grasp, the room was drained of its sound. The agents in the plane who knew of their history were silent for the girls who were reuniting, but those who didn't know of the history were silent out of their own confusion.

Y/n was reminded of the way daisys lips felt against hers, and the exact way she would play with her hair whenever she had the chance. Over their time together, she memorised the route daisys hand took whenever her hair was being played with, which seemed to become a routine for the two. But, when the two went their own ways, daisy couldn't ignore the fact that her hands longed to breeze through her hair the same way. Something the girls on the team noticed was that whenever daisy would touch their hair in any way, her hands would take the same route by muscle memory, but whenever she realised she was doing it, she instantly stopped.

Their history was noticeable by the way they looked at each other. The way their eyes stayed focused on each other - and only each other - radiated with love, and filled the room with an old feeling.

Sam noticed the radiance and bounced his eyebrows to bring noise to the room again, "okay, I'm sensing some tension in the room, so why don't we get going, huh?"

He was right. There was a tension. Though it was not the kind that bled with jealously or stung with a burning hatred, it was simply the kind that ached with the pain of their unfinished business and unhealed wounds. It was aching so obviously through the two girls to the point where everyone in the room could sense it too.

Fitzsimmons felt it the most. Fitz was y/n's best friend throughout her time with shield, so he knew exactly how she felt about daisy. He was retold every joke daisy said that made y/n laugh and everything she did that made her blush. The only way he found out about the two of them parting ways was when Simmons told him, but it was too late for him to do anything about it. He wasn't there to comfort her when she needed it, which was something that stuck in his head for so long.

Then, of course, Simmons knew about Daisy's perspective through it all. She replayed the time she sat through and listened to daisy practising how she'd tell y/n her feelings in her head, she often thought back to how the two seemed to collapse in each other's arms when they were reunited outside of the framework, and she could never forget the look on daisys eyes when she finally found y/n in the lighthouse when they were taken to the future. She also knew of the times daisy cried herself to her forced sleep when they were travelling through the depths of space, and how she would instantly go silent whenever Piper or Davis innocently mentioned y/n's name.

Mack, who filled the role of the older brother to y/n, only thought of the drained look on her face when she had to leave shield and be transferred to sword. He remembered the nights where he couldn't get himself to sleep whenever he thought of how y/n was doing or where she was. The man often wondered if y/n ever detached herself from her feelings towards daisy, but in that moment, it was clear that she had not been able to.

"Yeah, let's..." she stumbled for words, "let's go."

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