Breaking through guards

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The armed team stood together at the front of the building with their heads high and shoulders tensed. They all waited for Mack to give the final permission to enter, but he was taking his time.

"We meet in the room on the second floor." He told them, "if the readings right, it should be there."

"Or on the roof." Daisy shrugged, "but I'm sure y/n could just like blast through and still do it there, right?"

"Yeah, I'm good with that." Y/n agreed.

"No- that's not... you're not doing that." He assured her, then turned to the building, "let's go."

As the teams began splitting up, they all sent little nods of support to each other. Moments before deke and y/n diverged to their outside area, y/n sent nods to the last groups she could see; Mack, Fitz, and daisy.

Once they made it round the corner where they were alone for a moment, deke couldn't help himself but begin to speak, even though y/n warned him multiple times about what she'd do if he annoyed her.

"That was cute." Deke muttered as they walked around the building, keeping close to the edges.

"What was?" she asked.

"Daisy and you giving each other a nod... as if to say 'stay safe, okay?'" He answered.

"I think... it was just a nod, I have no idea where you got the dialogue." Y/n turned to say.

"You know what I mean." Deke rolled his eyes before they returned to silence to scout for any guards as they kept close to the walls, "how's it been with you two, huh? You've stopped being as affectionate with each other, but that's probably just cause I'm around, right?"

She paused and turned to him, "What are you talking about?"

"I mean... you two used to hug, hold hands, and kiss all the time. You were always together, and I haven't even seen you two talk at all." He explained, "what, you going through a rough patch?"

"We're not even fucking dating anymore, how did you not get that?." She told him and turned back around.

"What? Are you kidding me, why did you two break up?" He asked, almost taken back.

"This could literally not involve you any less, can you just shut up before you get us caught?" She angrily whispered to him.

"But you guys were soulmates, why-." He began to ask as they were turning a corner before y/n shoved him back round and held her hand on his mouth.

He looked offended at first, but realised what she was doing when she flashed him a harsh stare. She kept her grip tightly over his mouth until she was sure he was going to be quiet, then she sighed as she let go.

"We'll finish the conversation later." He quietly assured her once she'd looked around the wall again to study the four guards she'd just spotted.

"We certainly won't." She replied while she began to walk with the intention to go fight the guards before Deke grabbed her wrist and held her back.

"What's the plan?" He asked.

"The plan?" She harshly pulled her wrist out of his grasp, "I'm gonna go fight those guys while you sit back and watch."

"You can't use those new powers you have, remember?" He reminded her as if it was his place to be giving her advice.

"I can fight without them, you know? Think about all the times I kicked your stupid ass." She mentioned with a smirk, "with a broken wrist, too."

"Okay, that's..." he shook his head, "that's unnecessary to mention again."

"Just shut up and stay out of the way, alright?" She told him before calming stepping out into the open for all the guards to see.

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