A crack in reality

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"You know, I did this trick with your girlfriend, so I think it would be quite romantic to do it with you too." Agatha explained as she began guiding the spider along y/n's face using her magic.

Of course, y/n still hadn't given in to any of agathas manipulation, which was only making her angrier by the minute. It was in y/n's history to be particularly calm and managed during any kind of interrogation and, even though she'd never been in a situation this intense, she was managing well enough.

Y/n held her breath in moments ago, and was still keeping it in while the spider - that was manipulated by Agatha - slowly roamed across her face. Every time she felt the legs of it pressing down somewhere else on her face, she tensed her body and clenched her fists, but she couldn't do anything other than sit in the discomfort of her confinement and let it happen.

"Wow, you're really holding up well with these tricks, aren't you?" Agatha noticed.

"I'm surprised you've managed to keep control of it for this long." She daringly opened her mouth to say.

Instead of getting angry or being compelled to make things worse for y/n, the witch squinted her eyes and smirked as she thought to herself. After a brief moment, she flung the spider away from y/n's face, which flooded her with relief.

However, the moment she tried to let out the breath she'd held onto for so long, she felt an overwhelming force pressing down from inside of her body.

"What's happening?" Y/n asked before her breath fled from her lungs faster than she could think.

"You mean why does it feel like the air is being pulled from your lungs?" Agatha rhetorically asked, "I'm putting pressure on your lungs to force the air upwards. You could say I'm... pushing the life out of you."

Before she could ask anymore questions or spit out another sarcastic comment, y/n felt the air rising from her lungs as she tried to gasp it back down. She could no longer utter a beg or a plead to the witch who held her breath in her hands.

The longer she fought, the more limp y/n's body became with the lack of air it was getting. It was clear in her eyes that she was starting to lose the battle, but Agatha waited. She waited, and hoped that in the last moments of her desperate gasps, y/n would give in to all of her offers. But, aforesaid, y/n was stubborn and determined, and she refused to give anything to her, which only made Agatha more frustrated.

"You'd seriously rather die this way than be who you were brought here to be?" She sarcastically asked.

Her eyes studied the way y/n didn't make any change to symbolise a reply. She knew she wouldn't receive a comment, or a spoken agreement, but y/n didn't even nod or shake her head.

Then, when Agatha couldn't bare the fact she wasn't reviving cooperation like she'd hoped for, she released her magic from the girl and forced her backwards into the wall behind her. Y/n hadn't a second to adjust before her back crashed against the uneven concrete of the wall closest to her.

With the anger visible on her face, agatha latched her hand around y/n's neck with a force that made her gasp for as much air as she could. As Agatha began rising her off of the ground, she held her hand on the witches wrist to try and pull it off, but it wasn't working.

"I gave you so many chances. I've warned you so many times, but you're not listening to me. Anyone else would've taken this opportunity without question, but you... you're naive. So do you have anything you want to say, y/n? Any last words, perhaps?" She asked, flashing the streak of magic that she held in her hand that was waiting to be y/n's demise.

While tightly shutting her eyes, y/n began hoping for something she expected to be impossible. She suspected that this was to be her last moments, but she needed to try the only option she had left.

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