In the ring

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She hit the floor harshly when she'd made it through the storm, a grunt escaping her. With the already painful wounds taking another hit at the impact, she winced in pain. When she realised that she was inside, she pushed herself to her feet and instantly clocked Agatha, standing rather calmly in the centre of it all.

A slow clap was the only response she got from Agatha, even when she sent her a deathly stare. It was noticeable on y/n's face how angry she was, but Agatha had no reaction to it at all.

"You did it," Agatha praised her, "I'm so glad that you managed to do it. For a moment there, I was worried all three of you were gonna come in and kick my ass," she laughed, "but no. Thank god I only got weak little y/n."

"Believe me, you're gonna wish you had someone else in here to stop me from ripping you apart," y/n assured her, stiffening every muscle in her body to refrain from charging at her.

"Really?" She cocked her brow, "what makes you so confident?"

"Your death is set is stone," she shrugged, "and you'll die at my hands."

"Oh, you silly girl. If you'd have read the book you would know that the only way to beat me is to have Wanda drain all your power and life to be strong enough to overpower me."

As y/n listened - as she realised that Agatha's words made sense - her face dropped, and so did her heart. Once again, she'd rushed into something without thinking of the practicality or the consequences.

"And since she's not here, I guess you can't sacrifice yourself. Should've read the book. Knowledge is power, baby," Agatha faked a sympathetic frown.

Despite her slight worry, y/n shrugged, "what, you think I can't kill you myself?"

"Exactly my point!" She excitedly smiled, making her way over to y/n, "you should've just let Wanda come in here. At least she might've had the chance to hurt me before dying."

"I'd rather myself die than have Wanda-,"

"Why are you still protecting her?" Agatha cut her off in annoyance. The bitterness in her voice made it seem like she had a personal vendetta against the situation and how it's turned out, "I mean - look at yourself, y/n. Chasing after her like a lost puppy. She abandoned you, she chose vision. She doesn't love you anymore."

Y/n clenched her jaw and bit her tongue. She knew that Wanda loved her, wanted her, but it stung to hear it once again. To relive those memories another time. It was the witches plan to break y/n down and make her too weak to fight back.

"If you'd have just joined me, none of this would've happened," she assured her, "I would've never hurt you like this, my dear."

After those words, y/n's shaken confidence grew back to her, and she laughed to herself whilst shaking her head. "God, Agatha, give it up."

Her brows furrowed in surprise, "excuse me?"

"Aren't you bored of all this? Aren't you embarrassed?" Y/n asked, knowing that this torment would chip away at Agatha's ego, "this is just... pathetic. You look so desperate, I mean- you're practically begging me at this point."

"Trust me, you'll be the one begging in a-."

Cutting her off, y/n chuckled proudly to herself in satisfaction, "there it is. You think it's manipulation, but it's so fucking obvious what it actually is. It's desperation. You have nothing, Agatha. No power. No advantage. Look at yourself. You just can't stay away from me, can you? You're desperate."

With a small laugh, Agatha tried to calm herself down, knowing that letting herself get mad would take away her weakening advantages.

"You need me so bad, that you don't even know what to do with yourself when I'm not around," y/n kept going - kept talking, knowing that it would get a reaction from her. "You have no one, so you insist on going after me because you think I'm vulnerable and weak. But you know what? I think you're the weak one, Agatha."

"You can drop this act now, y/n," Agatha tried to get her to stop.

"That would be so great for you, wouldn't it? You'd love it if I just shut up and blindly agreed to everything you wanted, following your every order. Would that make you feel powerful?" She asked, watching how it frustrated the witch, "would that make you feel worth anything?"

Agatha shook her head, "where do you plan on going with this?"

"I'm just asking you questions," y/n faked an innocent look, "I just want to know if any part of you actually likes yourself. It amazes me how you've lived with yourself this long. If I were you, I would've put myself out of my misery a long time ago. But I guess that's the difference between you and me. You hold on to the scraps of power you can find because you know that, deep down, you're weak."

Finally, her continuous torment got her what she deserved. With one large blast from Agatha's anger, y/n was flung back to the space behind her. Using her own powers, she dug her fist into the ground to stop herself from sliding back out of the storm once again. Whilst her powers slowed her down, she skidded across the ground while looking at Agatha.

Once she stopped sliding, she looked up at Agatha with a smirk on her face. Her plan was working, and Agatha didn't even know what it was.

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