The winter soldier

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"You go round, and if there's someone else there, you come back through this way." Mack explained in a whisper as he looked to where deke was standing.

Deke - being too far away - held his hand to his ear and stepped a little bit closer to try and hear mack's order better, "go where?"

"Go right- you go right, daisy will go left. If there's no one there, you both go through." Mack explained, keeping his voice down.

While standing and waiting, y/n rolled her eyes. Her and Mack were standing at the opening of one passage way, while deke and daisy stood at the end of another one further away. Mack was trying to tell deke the plan while trying to keep his voice down in case any other versions of the team were listening. Once they left the small room they were in, Bucky and Sam took the end of a passage while the others split up.

"Say it again- one more time." Deke whispered back.

"You and daisy will go down the hall-."

Deke cut him off, "I can't hear you."

With a scoff, y/n pulled mack's arm so he was standing back with her, before she flashed her middle finger up at deke, "stop being a dick."

"Just stay behind me." Daisy ordered to him as she knew exactly what the plan was.

After a moment of silence, y/n held up two fingers and pointed them down the halls so the teams knew to start going. Deke and daisy disappeared into their own hallway, while Mack and y/n went down their one.

"Do you think Sam and Bucky got to their area okay?" Y/n asked out of curiosity as she kept looking over her shoulder. "We need to check those rooms, so if they haven't, we've got more ground to cover."

"I'm sure they'll be fine." Mack assured her, keeping his eyes in front of him at all times.

"I know. They're good fighters, but we don't know what we're dealing with." She remained talking to Mack in a quiet voice while her head stayed looking behind her as she walked. "I don't want anything to happen to them. I cant imagine-"

"Y/n." Interrupting her, Mack outstretched his hand to hold her back while he stepped back himself.

"What is it?" She turned her head - but got her answer the moment she saw who was in front of them.

The doctor had pulled himself from out of the wreckage that y/n had dumped on him and brushed the dust and gravel from his suit. He was angry - clearly - as he began walking up the hall that the two were headed down.

"How did he not die?" Y/n asked under her breath before igniting the flame of her powers in her hands.

"No, y/n, you're injured." Mack dismissed, keeping his eyes on the doctor to scan every move he made.

"We're all injured, Mack." She shrugged.

"Your mission is to find Wanda or Agatha. Don't risk getting hurt by people like him." Mack warned her, which did make sense. "You've got bigger targets than him, y/n."

"Oh, it's easy, just let me take him down." She whined.

He shook his head, "you've already been stabbed by him, save your strength for the real fight."

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