An overwhelming worry

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"What if we split up and have different teams watching a different section where the readings have just about met their peak?" Simmons suggested.

"We can't do that, I'll need to be there to pull wanda out." Y/n told her without looking up. When there was a silence, she raised her head to look at the team, "you guys won't be able to get close to the portal, let alone two witches in a fight."

The group remained surrounding the table in the centre of the room, even though a while had passed. Darcy and Jimmy would occasionally dip out and get everyone coffees, or some kind of food to keep everyone in check, but y/n refused to take even the slightest of breaks.

"We could monitor it from the zephyr and fly straight there the second we get a reading." Y/n suggested.

"The zephyrs massive, we can't exactly take that everywhere." Sam countered.

"Sure we can." She shrugged, "just put it on a nearby field, it's not as big as you think."

"No, I mean we can't just do anything we want with this, there are rules." He argued.

She shook her head in disagreement, "there shouldn't be in this scenario, our main priority is saving wanda."

Monica joined in, "we know that, but we can't go wherever we want. Country's have laws, laws that ban superheroes and huge planes that belong to government agencies. Y/n, I'm determined to get Wanda just as much as you are, but-."

"No, you're not." She cut her off, "you're clearly not, because you wouldn't be giving me this bullshit on rules if you really wanted to save Wanda."

"That's not true, I'm trying to think of other dangers and barriers for this mission." She explained. "I'm trying to consider the rules."

Y/n didn't truly want to shout at anyone in the room, but she was too stressed. She hadn't slept, she hadn't ate, and she hadn't stopped thinking about Wanda since the moment she saw her leave, which was killing her.

"Fuck the rules." She blurted.

Darcy rose from her chair to stand with Monica at her side, "y/n, come on. I know it's not easy, but Monica's right. We can't go wherever we want."

"Really, Darcy?" She sarcastically asked, "if this was you guys in my position, you're telling me you seriously wouldn't do anything to get Monica back?"

"Alright, that's enough." Mack called out to cut everyone off. Y/n held back her argument with a sigh while she listened to mack, as did everyone else in the room. "Take a break to calm down. We'll get back on this in a few minutes."

Y/n harshly pressed her hand against her forehead to let out her frustrations before turning and slumping down on a chair in the corner of the room. Her eyes instantly fell to the floor while she tried to breathe her way to calmness, and everybody knew that.

Unlike everyone else in the room who didn't dare to try and distract y/n from what they knew she could never be distracted from, fitz made his way over to her with one of the bags he brought from home.

Without saying anything, he sat beside her and pulled something from the bag and held it out in his hand for y/n to take, "I made you the juice you said you loved back at the lighthouse." He explained, "I promised I'd give it to you again one day. It's hand made."

When she took the bottle from his hand, she turned to look at it and scrunched her face when she saw the design. With a cocked brow, she held the bottle up to him and smiled for the first time in a while, "you a spiderman fan?"

"It's alya's. She's really into spiderman at the moment." He explained, "we didn't have any other bottles."

She chuckled weakly, "no, this is great." Once her small laugh dissipated, she looked at the bottle, then up at fitz, "thank you, fitz."

"I'll take you to see alya one day." He assured her, which brought a smile on her hopeless face, "we've already told her a lot about you."

"Really?" She asked.

"Oh, yeah." He chuckled at the thought, "she can't wait to meet 'the agitator'"

Y/n turned sharply with a small smirk, "where did she learn that?"

"Mack visited. She doesn't even know what it means, but he taught her to use it when talking about you."

"Great." She shared the chuckle with him, "I'm looking forward to seeing her." Y/n smiled down in her lap and returned to silence.

The silence the room was in didnt last for much longer due to mack looking over at the table once again. He stood back in his place, which caused Sam and Bucky to crowd around it too, and soon, everyone made it back to the planning phase again. The moment y/n realised that the conversation was striking up again, she left her seat and joined them at the table once again.

"What if we send the quinjet off instead? It's a lot smaller than the zephyr, it'll be fine." She instantly suggested, leaving not a second to go to waste.

Bucky sighed sympathetically, "y/n, it's not so much about the size, it's the fact that it's a government property, and not all countries are accepting of having something like that in their borders."

"But that's our only option." She countered.

Sam now joined in, "It's not our only option, it's just the fastest option. But, like we've already discussed, it's an option that we can't do."

"So what are you saying?" She furrowed her brows.

"We have to wait it out." Monica shrugged.

"No- we can't do that." Y/n reminded them, "we can't just wait and hope for the best, wandas life is at risk."

"We can't find where she is if there's no energy signatures." Simmons explained in the most comforting way she could, "we are going to get her, y/n, but we can't do it right away."

While listening to the announcement of the struggles they were going to have to face, her breaths became heavier. They dragged out of her lungs and left her body with no remorse, but she tried to hide it as best she could.

"Well if we just-." She began suggesting, but paused to catch the breath she felt being pulled away from her, "we need to-." Once again, she stopped herself, but this time with a sigh while she slumped over and rested her hand on her heart.

"You okay?" Mack asked, keeping his eyes on her at all times. However, she held her hand to her heavy chest and didn't answer, which began to draw attention. "Y/n, you okay?"

"I need some air." She bluntly announced before shoving past mack to leave the room as fast as she could.

She pressed her hand into her chest as if it would stop the rapid pounding in her heart while she paced to the nearest door to get outside. Once she made it to the first door she chose, she forced it open and hunched over while trying to drag herself over to the nearest wall or ledge to sit on.

The more she tried to compress the panic in her breath, the faster it spewed out. Soon, it felt like her breath was leaving her faster than it was coming, and she was going to run out eventually.

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