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Once the door to Wanda's room closed behind her and the cold air of the hallway hit her face, y/n let go of the breath she tightly held onto. Wanda called her name while she walked out, but she made no effort to leave her place in the bed. After all, y/n was the one to sacrifice her comfort, not Wanda.

The door opposite Wanda's room belonged to Sam and Bucky, which provided y/n with a slight bit of hope to have. Even though she didn't have Wanda for the night, at least she could have her friends.

With the release of a shaky breath, y/n stepped forward to the door before freezing the moment she heard muttering coming from behind the wood. The words were inaudible, but that wasn't what froze her.

Sam and Bucky are awake - she thought, and that's what changed her mind.

As her hand hesitantly reached for the door handle, her mind persuaded her to open the door but her heart begged her to leave.

Once the cold metal of the door handle hit her touch and pulled her back to her senses, she released her grip and took her hand back to her side. Despite how much Sam and Bucky usually cheered her up, she refused to face them. She refused to face anyone. Not when her world had been ravaged by the person she loved most. Not when h̶e̶r̶ Wanda chose to believe a lie instead of be with her.

Gulping back her regrets, she immediately looked away and searched for another room. As she walked, she wondered if Wanda had tried to find her. She wondered if she was panicking around the sanctum, desperately trying to find her. She thought about how Sam and Bucky would react when Wanda rushed into the room, breathless and in tears, as she explains what she'd done.

However, that was not the case. The moment y/n left the room, Wanda gripped the covers of the bed while balling her fists as if she had something to be angry about. As if she was the victim.

After a few seconds, she leaned herself back into her lay, and she closed her eyes. Her jaw clenched, and her hands pressed against her forehead in annoyance. She hoped y/n would understand. She hoped y/n would relate and go back to Daisy. It would've been so much easier for her. If only y/n wasn't so devoted to the love of her life.

When y/n finally found the most desolate room - the bathroom - she pushed the door open quietly and locked herself in it. The lights were off but the moon shone for her out of sympathy.

Once her eyes landed on a spot in front of her, she slid down the wall until she couldn't fall any further. Her knees weakened as she pulled them up to her chest where she held them in place by wrapping her arms around them.

The pain in her back should've been unbearable, but it didn't phase her. She didn't try to get comfortable - she just sat in shock. It took a while of her staring into the darkness until the realisation finally set in.

Wanda had ruined her. Her porcelain heart, left in fragments. Her astounding mind, left derelict. All the things she'd sacrificed for Wanda to be told that she still wasn't enough - that shattered her.

With her heart heavy in her chest and her breaths stuck in her throat, y/n dropped her head down to rest on her knees. She decided that, alone, in the darkness, she could let herself react. But she didn't realise just how much it hurt her until the tears started gushing from her eyes.

The moment the first wave of tears were drained from her, she was forced to place her hand tightly over her mouth to stop the sound of her pained sob breaking through the air and disturbing anyone. She wanted to scream. She wanted to yell, to hit something. But all she could seem to do was cry. In any other situation, she would've distracted herself or trained. But she couldn't do any of that.

Wanda had, well and truly, destroyed her.

Not even the wind would blow for her anymore. It felt like her muffled sobs were the only noise produced in the Sanctum. Part of her was embarrassed that she was letting herself do this- letting herself get so weak while being in the presence of Witches and Wizards. She knew she didn't have the strength to take on Agatha while thinking of Wanda. But how could she not think of Wanda when that's the person she's fighting for?

The pain that swelled in her head start to get to her, but she couldn't do anything about it. She moved her head away from her knees and dropped it back until it hit the wall. With a large breath, she opened her eyes to see a blur. The tears were still flowing out, but the feeling of them leaving her had stopped.

Everything had stopped. The world seemed to stop for her.

Until a voice finally made it to her ears.

"Oh, Darling, don't cry."

Her face dropped. Any tears that planned to fall had swarmed back into her eyes, and she pushed herself up to focus on what it was. For a small, almost nonexistent second, she thought it was Wanda. She hoped that Wanda would come in the room and tell her that Agatha was controlling her. That Agatha was making her say those things. That it wasn't how she really felt.

When the room fell to a silence once again, y/n pushed her hands against the wall and stood up, her strength collectively running down to her fists as she suspected that it wasn't Wanda.

No movement or light appeared in the room, but a few more words did. Those words were all y/n needed to know who was in the room with her.

"I told you Wanda would always love him more than you."

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