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The morning sun - though it was blocked slightly by the thin, grey clouds - shone faintly through the windows and into the girls' bedroom. It highlighted the quaint decorations wanda put in her cabin, and the few extra carvings y/n had done for her over the past couple of months.

When they settled back in to the cabin, y/n carved a small cauldron out of a chunk of would. She told wanda that it was to show how the two of them were both witches and, of course, wanda fell in love with it. When y/n gave it to her, she rested it in their room on the top of the drawers so they could see it when they looked down to it.

Not long after, y/n made whatever she could to replicate the small wooden cabin. It rested upon the mantle in the living room, on display for the girls to see whenever they were to watch tv.

Y/n loved carving things out of wood - and luckily she was good at it - which was fortunate, because wanda loved receiving personalised gifts that y/n would always make her. Soon, the seemingly empty house was decorated with carvings and rocks, and it was personalised for the two girls in a beautiful way.

When the sunlight shone on wanda's eye lids, she shyly opened them. Even if they had the hint of tiredness in them, she fought it to look at the face of her sleeping love which was opposite her.

Wanda smiled at her - even though she wouldn't see it due to her sleeping eyes - and allowed the warmth in her heart to fill her body as it always did. After a moment of soaking in the beauty she saw beside her, wanda decided to wake her once she saw y/n's eyes twitch to adjust to the morning.

"Good morning." Wanda smiled to her.

"Morning." Y/n mumbled back with her tired breath, the tiredness slurring her words.

Wanda chuckled softly, "someone's tired. Want me to make breakfast?"

"I need a lie in." She told wanda while her eyes remained closed.

"It's 11 am, you know?" Wanda told her. After a while, when she received no answer at all, wanda lightly pushed at her shoulder, "come on, baby, get up."

When she didn't get a response once again, wanda sensed why and brushed y/n's hair out of her face slightly.

"You hate it when you sleep for ages and waste the day, come on." She told her. But, again, there was no answer for a while. "Get up." She whined, lightly pushing her arm once again.

When she saw the eyes of her girlfriend which remained closed and untouched, she grunted to herself and dropped all intentions of being gentle.

"Oh my fucking god," she sat herself up, "get the fuck up."

"Give me five more minutes." Y/n groaned in a tired and husky voice. "I barely got any sleep."

"You fell asleep before me, I carried you to bed." She reminded her.

"Just... five more minutes, okay?"



"Y/n, no."

"Wanda," y/n turned, and while she turned, she pulled the covers off of wanda and entirely on to herself with a harsh pull, "no."


With a sigh, wanda pushed herself into y/n, and continued pushing until y/n was at the end of the bed. Though, she didn't stop pushing there. She continued pushing until y/n rolled off of the bed and onto the floor.

Fortunately, the covers that fell with her softened the fall, which Wanda made sure of by the way she pushed her. However, that didn't make y/n any less annoyed.

"Ow- Jesus Christ." She groaned, pulling her head up from where it was buried under the covers. When she was able to catch a glimpse of her smirking girlfriend, she furrowed her brows, "seriously?"

"You wouldn't get up!" Wanda squealed, tucking her legs underneath her, "what else was I supposed to do?"

"Give me five more minutes?" She suggested.

"I'm not just gonna let you be lazy." Wanda murmured, pulling at the ends of her pj bottoms.

Y/n cocked her brow, "what was that?"

Wanda shot her head up quickly, realising y/n heard what she said, "nothing. I love you- I said I love you."

"You're lying." She squinted.

"No... no, I'm not." As she spoke, she began to slowly push herself up.

A smirk outlined her lips, "I know when you're lying."

"Well, you obviously don't, because I'm not lying." She shrugged, "so, maybe you're not as good as you think."

Y/n was so close to letting it go, but that comment got her. "Oh?" She cocked her brow and rose to her feet.

"No, no- come on, I didn't mean that." Wanda smiled softly, but slowly backed up to get off of the bed.

Once wanda stood on the floor, the two girls were staring at each other, and the only thing separating them was the bed. Wanda was filled with the soft comforts of love, a rush of excitement, and a slight panic. Then, y/n was filled with a familiar playfulness, and an annoyance that she pretended to have, simply because she knew it was making wanda laugh.

Y/n playfully tilted her head, "I'll show you just how good I am."

"You're gonna have to catch me first." Wanda told her.

"I'm fast." She warned her.

The moment the warning left her mouth, wanda bolted to the side and ran out of the room, trying to pull the door to a close as she went. However, y/n wasn't going to let her get too far. When wanda made the first fast move, y/n practically leapt over the bed and grabbed the door before it could close, pulling it open again and darting through.

"Hey, hey- y/n, darling, angel, light of my life, baby-." Wanda panicked as she paced away from her girlfriend who was catching up to her. When they were both standing in the living room, wanda made sure to stand one end of the coffee table so y/n wouldn't easily be able to get to her.

"I'm not accepting apologies, miss maximoff."

"Fine, fine." Wanda stood up straight and relaxed herself, "I'll stop running away, I didn't mean to say that." Y/n squinted, catching on to what wanda was planning on doing. "I will stand still and just let you get to me. But can you just pass me that cushion behind you?"

She knew she shouldn't have, but y/n turned for a split second, purely out of curiosity. Of course, like she predicted, wanda attempted to use the distraction to get away, but y/n already had a plan mapped out.

When wanda made the first move again, y/n used her magic to pull the couch closer to her, which blocked wanda's route of exit. While wanda tried to think of another way out, y/n darted round and speared wanda onto the couch.

Though she lunged at her with a force, y/n held the back of wanda's head as they fell to make sure she didn't hit it. Like y/n intended, wanda landed with her back on the sofa, and herself on top of her.

Y/n held herself up by placing her hands on the couch either side of wanda's head, while her knees rested between wanda's thighs and on the couch.

"Don't ever shove me out of bed again." Y/n looked down at her with a smirk.

Wanda playfully rolled her eyes and groaned, "yes, boss."

Wanda looked up at y/n with a playful yet daring stare, while y/n looked down with a cocked brow and faint smirk.

"Sure, keep being sarcastic, see how that works out for you."

The Scarlet Apprentice 2: The Multiverse Between UsWhere stories live. Discover now