Morning hangover

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After agreeing for the night out with Wanda and leaving the room before her urges got the best of her, y/n wandered into the kitchen where she heard mumbles. Groaning instinctively when the light hit her eyes, she held her hand up to block it out, which caused the residents of the kitchen to chuckle.

"Wild night, huh?" Sam joked.

Sam and Bucky sat at the breakfast bar, eating food that looked so delicious that magic had to have created it. Crisp slices of bacon, perfectly heated pieces of toast, fresh and neat eggs. The smell drew y/n towards the breakfast bar just so she could try and get whatever bits she'd manage to sneak off of their plate when they weren't looking.

"It wasn't too bad," she shrugged, nodding and smiling at Wong who was clearing up the kitchen after making the heavenly food.

"Really?" Bucky asked as he picked up his mug of coffee and drank from it, "what do you remember from last night, y/n."

"Uh- well, i smashed a glass around a guys head," she shrugged, "but i probably would've done that sober, so thats not exactly out of the ordinary."

"That's fair," Sam mumbled when bucky looked at him, confused.

"Other than that, i have very limited knowledge of last night," she admitted.

When Bucky saw her hand sneaking closer to his plate, he picked up a slice of bacon and handed it to her, which she accepted with a smile.

"You called me Bucket," he told her as he watched her begin to eat the bacon.

"Ha!" Sam exclaimed even though he'd managed to get it out of Bucky last night and hadn't let it go since.

"Oh, I did?" She raised her brows, but didnt seem to surprised, "I've always wanted to do that, I'm glad that the alcohol finally brought it out of me."

"Alright, thats-" bucky shook his head.

"You hear that, Bucket?" Sam teased him, nudging him with his arms, "always wanted to do that."

"Yeah, alright- alright, i got it," the soldier hid the slight blush on his face.

As a small smirk appeared on her face, y/n's eyes bounced from the two boys, "so...?"

"What?" Sam was the first to ask.

"So...?" Bucky innocently mimicked.

"Did anything happen between you two last night?" She asked.

Sam laughed out of confusion, "what? Why would-... I don't- why would anything happen? I don't know what you mean, I just- we... we all danced- it was good, we..."

While Sam rambled, y/n watched Bucky repetitively and silently shake his head at her with a very specific look on his face. However, she didn't want to let the boys leave it too late as everyone was dying to see them get together.

"Which one of you decided to stop being a fucking pussy and make a move?" She bluntly asked.

"I-," Sam stopped his rant to look shocked at y/n.

Bucky, noticing Sam's speechlessness, cut in for him and shook his head, "that's not important, alright? You're clearly still dealing with the affects of last nights altercation-"

"Why are you talking like that?" She furrowed her brows.

He paused, "like what?"

Y/n put on a voice to tease him, "last nights altercation," he rolled his eyes when she began, "yes, what an unfortunate occurrence-"

"Why have you decided to pick on me this morning? Did I say something to you last night?" Bucky asked.

"No, no," she laughed gently, "I'm just trying to return to myself. I need to take the piss out of everyone, that's good old y/n, isn't it?"

"Did something happen?" Sam asked when he saw the look on her face.

She thought for a moment before speaking, "I'm going out with Wanda tonight. I don't know where, I don't really know why, but I'm.... I'm just nervous."

"Nervous?" Bucky furrowed his brows, "when are you ever nervous?"

"All the time," she gave him a look, "I'm just very good at hiding it."

"What have you got to be nervous about?" Sam asked, "you're great with women, this should be a piece of cake. Assuming that it's a date, of course. Which it definitely is."

"I know, but I just... a lot depends on this night."

"Like what?"

"Us," she admitted, "Wanda and I. If this night doesn't go well- if we can't return to the way we were, then I don't know how we move on from this."

Bucky spoke in the silence, "you don't have to return to normal. You just need to be together, that's it. No matter where, no matter when. All you need is to be with her. You can think about the future from there."

Y/n nodded, "you're right. You're right," she tried looking away to distract herself until her attention was captured by someone flailing desperately outside. When they turned, y/n was able to see that it was Shang who was frantically working to hang something up on a line that kept escaping him. She furrowed her brows, "what's Shang doing?"

"Trying to dry the shirt from last night," Bucky explained, "he's cleaned the blood off of it pretty well, but he can't seem to put it on Strange's weird ass line."

"Oh, my god, blood?" Y/n asked with shock, "who was bleeding last night?"

"You," Sam bluntly told her.

She paused, "what?"

Without saying anything, Sam raised his hand and pointed to y/n's forehead to hint at what he meant. With confusion, she reached her hand up to her head before her fingers touched a fresh wound, causing her to wince in pain.

With a small chuckle, Bucky gently guided her hand away from her head and placed it back on the countertop, "you're not supposed to touch it."

"That's why my head hurts so fucking much," she groaned in annoyance, "what happened?"

Sam looked at her unamused, but Bucky furrowed his brows, "you seriously don't remember anything from last night?"

"No, I swear, I don't," she shook her head.

"Thank god," the three of them heard Wong mumble from where he hovered by the sink.

As she slowly turned to him, y/n mentioned, "oh, no, I remember the entire conversation with you, Wong. Don't you worry about that."

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