Official statement

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Once the two had finally stopped with their training session for the day, they'd returned to their normal clothes of comfort and occupied themselves in the kitchen. A lovely peacefulness settled over the cabin once again as the two chuckled and made the occasional joke to each other while doing their own thing in the kitchen.

There was a slight breeze which blew the grass and flowers to the left, but it was never noticeable nor worth complaining about. In fact, it was rather nice, considering that they had the gentle gush of cold air to make sure they didn't get too hot.

They'd decided to make a small mix of a few of the choices y/n laid out, and that's why they were at different points in the kitchen. Y/n was at one point in the kitchen for most of the time as she glided a knife through various different fruits she'd picked out. Due to the fact that most of the treats they were making were unhealthy, she thought to make at least one healthy option. So, she stayed at the cutting bored with a knife and different fruits to cut up.

Then, on the other hand, wanda was constantly moving around the kitchen as she came up with new ideas for toppings and additions to add to the unhealthy side of the food that she was taking care of.

During her consistent and rushed trails, wanda stopped at the counter beside y/n, simply to grab something she needed. However, as she stood still, she was finally able to see what y/n was doing, and she furrowed her brows.

"What the hell are you doing?" Wanda asked her, looking at her as though she'd done something unforgivable.

"I'm..." Y/n innocently looked at her, "peeling the skin off of this apple- what's wrong with that?"

"You don't like the skin?" She furrowed her brows.

She shook her head, "I like the skin on red apples, not green apples."

"Wow." Wanda couldn't help but grin.

With a sarcastic and familiar smirk, y/n turned to wanda and cocked her brow, "what's so surprising?"

"My tough, strong, powerful girlfriend doesn't like the skin on green apples." She faked a frown, "who knew you'd have such an odd weakness?"

"Okay-." She bit her lip to hide the fact that she wanted to chuckle, and turned back down to continue peeling the skin from the apple.

"I'm kidding." Wanda chuckled as she slowly crept closer. Then, as she stood behind her, she snaked her hands around y/n's waist and rested her head on her shoulder, "I know you only have one weakness."

"Yeah?" She hummed, "and what's that, huh?"

"Me." She smiled.

With a smile on her face, y/n held the side of wanda's face with her hand and turned her head to place a kiss on wanda's, "you got it."

The few flowers that grew outside perched up as tall as they could, and the two could easily smell the scent of the grass coming through the open windows. As the two began finishing the selection of treats they made, the sun started falling gently in the distance.

As the evening came, they started moving plates over onto the coffee table until everything they made were resting nicely on the table in front of them. When everything was done and ready for them, they slumped down onto the couch and relaxed into it as y/n turned on the tv.

"Ooh, I need to give you something." Wanda leaned forward to get something from the coffee table.

"What is it?" Y/n asked, chewing the apple slice she'd just put in her mouth.

"I never got to officially do this to you." Wanda began, then tilted her head, "well- I did, but you were unconscious for a while, so... it doesn't really count. Technically, it would count... but you weren't there to realise it."

She squinted with a soft smile, "Are you gonna tell me what you're hinting at?"

"Yes- yes, okay." Wanda shuffled closer to y/n, her excitement visible in her energy, "hold out your hand."

Y/n squinted with hesitation, "why?"

"It's a surprise, you can't ask why."

"But it could be anything."

Wanda gave her a look, "I think we're close enough for you to trust me by now."

"It's not that I don't trust you." She shook her head, "but it could be anything."

"Just hold out your hand."

Seeing the excitement in wanda's eyes, y/n caved and held her hand out in front of wanda. Biting her lip to detain an even bigger smile, wanda took y/n's hand in the palm of hers. Then, she took a plate of pancakes from the table and placed it on y/n's palm.

"What're you-."

Y/n cut herself off to watch wanda pull out a can of whipped cream and spray it over the pancake in a nice, neat, swirl. She looked down at the whipped cream on the plate she held and then up at wanda with the faint hint at a smile outlining her mouth.

"Consider that my official statement." Wanda said with a smile, "the official testimony of my love."

No matter how hard she tried, y/n couldn't stop the soft giggle that followed wanda's actions. She looked at wanda with love in her eyes, "you're perfect."

"I couldn't possibly miss the opportunity to give you the whipped cream." Wanda smiled, "not after I told you that it's what I give to people i love."

"So is this how we communicate now?" Y/n asked, and without giving wanda time to think, she answered, "I give you rocks, you give me whipped cream."

With a soft chuckle, wanda dropped herself back into the couch and looked at her love, "I like that."

"So do I." Y/n smiled to her, "we've got a lot more, though. The blanket, the lightning bolt carving. I could go on."

"We're cute." Wanda concluded, taking the tv remote from where y/n last put it, "movie marathon?" She suggested, cuddling up close to her.

"Only if it's good action movies." Y/n told her, wrapping her arm over her to hold her as close as possible.

"Whatever you'd like."

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