Madripoor, at last

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"You sure she knows we're coming?" Mack asked for the second time.

"I had a conversation with her while we were flying here, you were literally there." Sam reminded him.

Y/n chuckled to herself, "Mack's just an incredibly polite person, Sam. I don't think he'd want to show up unannounced."

"I'm surprised you haven't complained about the walk yet." Mack mentioned to turn it back on her.

"I have, you just haven't heard my annoyance." She shrugged while looking around them, "or seen me kicking things we walk past."

Bucky laughed quietly while they continued walking. The only place close to their destination that could house the zephyr during their stay was at least a half an hour walk away from it. They'd put the invisibility setting on and left it sitting in a field surrounded by trees before they headed off to the building. Of course, y/n's impatience was noted by the people walking with her, but she wasn't the only one who had annoying habits.

Deke always dragged his shoes on the ground instead of taking proper steps, and the team made it very clear how they felt about that. Bucky hummed quietly to himself without realising it, but every now and then someone would catch him doing it, which made him stop. Mack couldn't go 5 minutes without lecturing the team with some kind of safety advice or rules on how to act when in the building. Sam was a naturally fast walker, so he'd often find himself way ahead of everyone else, which led him to complain about everyone's speed more than once. The only thing daisy did was try to start conversations to motivate people. That wouldn't have been a problem if deke wasn't there, but he was the only one answering them, which annoyed everyone a lot.

However, once they turned the corner and Sam stopped at a door, they all sighed in relief, knowing they didn't have to put up with anyone's annoying habits any longer.

"Are you gonna knock, or expect her to sense that you're hovering outside of her door?" Y/n asked before receiving a stare from Sam, "sorry, I'm just tired of standing up."

"You've only been standing for 30 minutes." Deke reminded her.

"Shut up." She mumbled through a faked smile.

With a small grunt that he tried to suppress, Sam pushed the door open instead of knocking. When he entered, everyone else followed behind him, even though they hadn't officially been granted access. They remained silent and confused while they walked around the seemingly empty building for a few moments.

"Its dark in here." Daisy mumbled.

After hearing that, deke trailed his hand across the wall until he found a light switch. When he flicked it on, everyone froze and turned to him in annoyance, "you're welcome."

"Oh, wow." Y/n mumbled as she gawked at the now visible inside of the building, "this place is nice as shit."

"Thanks." Sharon smiled as she emerged from behind her, which made her jump, "It's not so bad."

"Sharon carter." She took a breath as she stood in front of her, "I'm quite the fan."

"You know I'm on the run from the government and running an undercover gang of criminals, right?" She checked.

Y/n gave her a look, "why do you think I'm such a fan?"

After sending a smirk to y/n, Sharon turned to sam, "i thought i told you not to turn those lights on."

"It wasn't me, blame him." Sam pointed behind him.

"What's your name?" Sharon nodded at deke.

"Its dick." Y/n interrupted him before he could even open his mouth.

"Dick?" She hummed.

"Yep. Its on his birth certificate and everything." She lied, "his parents wanted to be unique, i guess."

"How strange." She hummed before turning to another door at the sound of it opening, "and here comes my team."

After sliding her hands into her pockets, y/n watched the group of girls who entered the building. All of them were wearing practical boots, stealth suits, and hair that was tied back out of their face. She watched them with wonder and admiration as they made their way to stand formally with Sharon.

"Okay, wow." Y/n gawked, "this is amazing- i mean, the suits, they're so practical, i just-... everyone's hair looks so good out of their face. I'm impressed."

"And we're all gay." One of them mentioned, "so there's that."

"Wow, if I wasn't a witch, I would definitely join this little crime gang you've got going on." She told the group. The moment she said that, sam cleared his throat to catch her attention, then gave her a look when she turned around to see him. "I mean- no... no- I'd never, crime is... bad."

"Oh-" Sharon called out to one of the agents who was walking away, "blade, I'm gonna need you to show everyone to their rooms in a minute. I would, but I've got someone to interrogate."

"Can i help?" Y/n asked.

"Okay, y/n, remember why we're here." Mack mumbled.

"Right, of course." She straightened her posture, "uh, blade, that's a nice name. I really like it."

"Our agent names are all names of different weapons." One of the girls explained, which caught y/n's attention, "its for secrecy. And to be cool."

"Are you kidding me, that's the coolest thing I've ever heard of." She gawked.

"I'm agent dagger, this is agent rifle and agent crossbow." The agent stepped forward and smiled.

"God, i am seconds away from signing myself up to this group."

"Y/n." Sam warned her again from where he stood at the other side of the large room.

"I'm kidding, sam." She laughed it off, but shook her head when she looked back at the girls, "I'm 100% serious about this."

"Y/n, we're going to see our rooms." Bucky told her as the group started moving.

While agent blade directed the group around the building, y/n slowly walked behind them. Agent dagger remained beside her, casually speaking to her in the time she had before she knew she'd be called out.

"My real name is ruby." Dagger told her.

Y/n squinted, "are you allowed to tell me that?"

"Probably not, but.." she smirked at her, "I'm not really the type of person to abide by the rules."

"God, don't tell sam that." She joked.

"My lips are sealed." She grinned before tilting her head, "so... do you fit the requirement?"

"If you're asking me if i can fight, then yes." She answered, "but if you're asking me if I'm gay... the answer is also yes- I'm not sure why i made that seem like a dramatic reveal."

Agent dagger laughed before her attention was caught by Sharon signalling her from the other side of the room, "I've got to go scare a man to death, so... enjoy, and i'll see you around."

"Oh- yeah, of course."

Once dagger parted from y/n, she looked ahead to see the rest of the group. Her eyes immediately landed on bucky, who looked behind his shoulder at her with a smirk on his face. While furrowing her brows, she picked up her pace to join him.

"Why are you smirking like that?" She asked bucky.

"Did you not see that she was flirting with you?" Sam answered for him.

"What?" She laughed it off before looking at the grin sam now had on his face, "are you serious? I don't think she was flirting, she was just..." she thought, "oh my god, was she flirting with me?"

"Don't get too excited." Bucky chuckled.

"Oh, piss off, bucky." She lightly punched his arm, "you know I don't care, i just didn't expect it."

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