New tech

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"Woah." Y/n gawked in amazement as she lifted up the large gun, "can I shoot this? Do you think Mack would let me shoot this in here?"

The moment Monica caught on, she gently pushed the end of the gun down and covered it with her hand, "not at all, put that down."

"No, come on, he won't care." She shrugged, taking it away from Monica's hand and aiming it at something as if she was going to shoot it.

She pretended to fire a few shots with a playful laugh until Mack - who was, of course, monitoring the girls on the camera - connected his audio and spoke to them.

"Put that down, y/n." He warned her in his usual friendly tone.

"Jesus- fucking christ." She jumped before searching the rooms corners for a camera. When she found one, she dropped her hold on the gun to a loose one and sighed to it, "seriously, Mack? I'm holding a gun, do you know how dangerous that could've been."

"Yes, I do, and that's exactly why I stopped you." He told her through the microphone in the room, "I didn't wanna have to monitor anyone, but Monica, keep an eye on her."

"You know I can hear you, right?" Y/n asked, her blank stare looking at the camera.

"Oh." He mumbled before switching his audio to connect to Monica's coms only, "i didn't wanna have to-."

"Yeah I heard you." Monica cut him off to assure him.

After looking at Monica with an unimpressed tone, y/n turned back to the cameras and held up her middle finger in a joking way, "fuck you, Mack."

"It's really good to have you back, agitator." His cocky smirk was imaginable by his tone, which caused y/n to groan to herself.

"I was just trying to have fun." She mumbled to Monica with a faked frown until she saw wanda enter the room, which lit her face up with a bright smile. "Hey, good morning, baby, you're awake." She smiled to her love and welcomed her with open arms.

"Thank you for giving me that extra sleep." Wanda mumbled as she hugged her girlfriend back, "I really needed it."

"Anything for you, my love." She theatrically told her as they pulled out of the hug.

"What've you been doing?" Wanda asked, sliding her hands into her pockets as she entered the room.

"Monica and I have been looking at this new tech Mack brought in." Y/n answered as she walked back to the area with Monica, "they're amazing, wanda, you wouldn't even believe some of the designs."

"Yeah, it's absolutely thrilling." Darcy sarcastically chimed in from where she'd sat herself down on the chair.

Wanda smiled softly at Darcy and trailed mindlessly over to her table, "I'm sure it is, we just don't get it."

"Not at all." She shook her head.

Wanda furrowed her brows and looked down at Darcy, "I thought you liked tech stuff?"

"I like computers, not violent weapons." Darcy corrected her.

"Oh, right. Y/n didn't clarify it when I came in, but now I understand why she's so excited to look at them." She explained.

"She's your girlfriend, of course you're gonna understand the excitement." She shrugged.

After hearing a snippet of the conversation, y/n turned to them, "Monica is literally your girlfriend."

Darcy shrugged once again, "still done get it."

With a faked groan of annoyance, y/n turned back to admire the weapons with Monica. She pointed to a piece of the weapon they fixated on and looked at it in awe.

"You see how there's a tiny, almost invisible fingerprint scanner on the trigger? Fitz is a fucking genius, I'm telling you." She informed her.

"We need to have this on all sword weapons. Can he do that? Can we ask him to do that?" Monica asked.

While occasionally watching the two, wanda began listening to the subtle grumble of her stomach until she cleared her throat to catch the attention of her girlfriend.

"Hey, y/n, do you know if there's like a... food court or something in this place?" Wanda asked.

"There is, but it's the other side of the building." Darcy answered for her, then paused and smiled awkwardly when the two turned to her, "I know you didn't ask me, but I answered anyway."

"Oh, my fucking god, y/n, come and look at this now." Monica gasped.

"Uh-." Y/n turned to monica, then back to wanda with a half smile, "give me two seconds, I'll come with you."

Watching the way y/n hastily scrambled with her indecisiveness, wanda chuckled softly, "you don't need to come, you know?"

"I'm not letting you go by yourself, I don't care how little it seems." She assured her.

"I can go with her." Darcy suggested, "I don't really have anything else to do."

"Are you sure?" Y/n asked her, melting with a smile once she received a nod, "thank you so much, you're a saviour."

"I'll grab a coffee while I'm there. Anyone want anything?" Darcy asked.

"No, I'm good. Thanks baby." Monica smiled over to her, most of her attention still captivated by the equipment in front of her.

"Are you gonna be okay going with Darcy?" Y/n asked wanda, placing both of her hands on wanda's shoulders.

"I'll be fine, you worry too much." Wanda playfully rolled her eyes.

"Somebody has to." She fired back, "if you want me to come with you, I'll drop what I'm doing and go."

"No, enjoy your weird little... gadgets, I'll go with Darcy." Wanda smiled at her.

"I'll be able to protect her if that's why you're hesitant." Darcy assured the two of them.

"Believe me, that's not what I'm worried about. Wanda can protect herself, and I know you'd be able to protect her too, Darcy." She nodded to her before turning back to face her girlfriend, "if anyone gives you shit, I give you full permission to kick their fucking ass."

Wanda squinted, "are you allowed to give me that permission?"

"No, not at all." She shook her head abruptly, "but I'm giving it to you anyway."

With a laugh, wanda began walking away, "I'll be back in a little bit."

"Bye, I love you." Y/n waved.

"I love you, too." She smiled before she left the room beside Darcy.

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