The only plan

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"Oh, my god, when the fuck are Sam and Bucky getting back?" Y/n groaned, dropping her hand down onto the wooden table she leant on.

"Why do you need them to get here so badly?" Strange asked, studying her from across the room.

She gave him a look, "because I can't go to this party without my emotional support boyfriends."

"So they are dating?" He asked, then hummed to himself, "knew it."

"Technically they aren't, so don't say anything or they will kill me," she began, "but one of them just needs to hurry up and ask the other one out."

"I really thought they had been together for ages. They bicker like an old married couple," he added.

"Exactly!" Y/n excitedly smiled at Stephen, glad that someone was able to share the same feeling and thoughts as her.

When she relaxed back into her seat, Stephen looked at her while smiling softly, "I'm glad you're coming to this party, y/n." She looked up to him - her eyes meeting his - and she listened, "it'll be good for you. And I don't think anyone will be able to enjoy a party if you're not there."

She looked away and hid a smile, "thank you, Stephen. I still think it's a fucking ridiculous idea, but I do stupid things all the time. This might as well be one of them."

Before strange could think of a reply, the both of them heard the sound of the door open. While Stephen slowly pushed himself off of his seat, y/n practically leapt out of hers and ran to the door.

Laughing but breathless, the two boys emerged through the doors to be instantly met by y/n's excitement. However, when she saw the amount of bags the two boys were hauling behind them, her smile fell from her face.

"What's all this?" She asked, "I thought you were just ambling around New York trying not to piss each other off."

Sam nodded his head in agreement, "we started off by doing that. Then we thought that we could all use a new outfit for tonight," he lifted up the bags he was holding.

"What? How did you-," she began to ask.

Bucky raised his hand up to Stephen - who stood beside y/n - and displayed the small card in his metal grip, "we used your credit card, by the way."

"Oh, great," strange sarcastically hummed as he took it away from Bucky, "thank you so much for asking permission beforehand."

The soldier produced a smile, "you're welcome."

"What stuff did you get?" Y/n leant forward, eager to see the bags, but Sam pulled them away.

"It's a surprise."

Y/n's face dropped. Even though Sam could sense her complaints coming, he strolled past her in a calm manner and signed for Bucky to follow him. Just as y/n was about to follow the two boys to convince them to show what they bought, Strange had called her back.

"Y/n, I'd like to show you something," he told her.

She scoffed quietly to herself, her eyes bouncing between SamBucky and Stephen, "can it wait?"

"It can," he nodded his head, "but it won't."

"Fine," she sighed dramatically, but did follow Strange as he began to leave the room.

Before she turned the corner, her eyes glanced over at Sam and Bucky to see them smirking while looking into the bags they held. Balling her fists, she tried to head over to them, but was soon dragged back when Strange grabbed her arm and guided her behind him.

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