One of two witches

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Heartache. That was the only way she felt like she could describe it. At least, at the time. Though she hadn't lost the love she had for wanda, her hopes were beginning to slip from her grasp.

She knew wanda was out there and she was more than determined to go and get her, but the disappointment was building up with each passing day and each minute without wanda in her arms.

With her heart sinking in her chest, y/n entered the area that was a few rooms away from where the group was. She wanted to sit somewhere out of reach so that she wouldn't have to hear them.

Obviously, she didn't like the arguing. And what made it worse was that she could see their point of view. She knew she was reckless, she knew of her history. Of course she knew, it was one of the biggest parts of herself. And although she could sympathise with them, she still couldn't understand why they were willing to give up.

Perhaps it was because they didn't know wanda like y/n. Sam and Bucky only really knew her from their time as avengers - and even then, they didn't get to know much. Deke, daisy, and Mack had never even met her, so how could they have known what she was like?

They didn't love the crinkles in her nose when she scrunched it the way y/n did. They didn't get the same feeling y/n would whenever they thought about wanda. Of course they'd never know what it's like to be in love with Wanda, but that was all y/n knew.

Y/n pushed her hair out of her face and slumped down on whatever kind of seating she could find, whether it was comfortable or not. She stopped caring about her own comfort from the first moment she couldn't feel wanda with her. Her hands rubbed together vigorously as though it would force the stress out of her while she kept her head low.

The sounds of rubble falling in rooms away from her was the only thing she could pick up on even when she wasn't trying to. Her ears tried to block out any other kind of sound, but the rubble hitting the ground and the cracks slowly splitting in the walls was too noticeable.

Soon, even when she tried to ignore it, the cracking noise became too strong. She didn't realise it straight away, but the cracking was coming from the wall in front of her. She was sitting far away from it, so it didn't catch her attention immediately.

When she finally raised her head to see the large crack forming, she rose to her feet and tensed her hands at her side. Her first thought was that it was a result of her outburst, so she prepared to soften the rocks fall if they were to lose their place in the abandoned structure.

However, the more she focused on it, the sooner she realised that the rocks were turning in on themselves and disappearing. She dropped her hands in confusion and stood to watch the wall until a faint red glow began appearing, which gave her a slither of hope.

"Oh, shit." She mumbled in a weak breath as she realised what she was about to go through.

Her hands tensed again, but this time with the addition of her own blue glow. She watched it with caution until something began emerging from the rumbling darkness.

In any other circumstance she would've kept her hands up and fought on, but she dropped them completely the moment she thought she recognised something about the figure.

Her breath was weak and her voice was barely audible, but in her hope she uttered a single word.


Even if she didn't believe it herself, she wanted to. That's all she wanted in that moment. To see wanda again. To feel her breath against her neck. To feel the coldness of her hands as they were encased inside hers. To feel wanda's arms fling around her neck as she giggled in excitement while she held her close and spun her around in a circle. She wanted wanda back. She needed wanda back.

Her breath released in a row of trembles as she watched the figure step closer and closer towards the light. Then, the light flushed over the person.

All in one moment, every feeling she missed swarmed her. It was wanda.

There was no way y/n could find the words to say anything to her now that they were standing in front of each other. Her journey to finding her - the anger she'd gained just by thinking about agatha - the worry. It was all ending, and she took in a breath as she saw wandas face.

While she remained in a shocked silence, wanda placed her hand softly onto y/n's jaw to let her know that it was real.

Feeling her touch - the feel of wanda's skin against her own - ignited a warmth in her heart. The light that went out so long ago had struck again, and she smiled.

But, the smile wasn't returned. Wanda's face remained cold and blank, but y/n was too lost in the sight of her eyes to notice. She couldn't notice the way wanda's hand trailed down from her jaw to her neck and set itself in place. Y/n was just happy to feel her touch again that she didn't think to question it when wanda began readjusting her hand with an underlying motive.

"Wanda, I'm so glad I've-." She stopped herself when she first realised something was off.

With the stone cold look still masking her face, wanda began harshly tightening her hand where it was on y/n's neck, her thumb pressing down on one side, her fingers pressing on the other.

"Wanda, what're you-"

Before she could finish her sentence, wandas free hand pounced up to the vulnerable part of her neck and began pressing down as well. The first emotion shown on her face was aggression, and that's the moment when y/n realised that it wasn't wanda.

She instantly locked her hands around wandas, but she couldn't pull the grip off quick enough. Wanda began pushing her back as she tried to crush y/n's throat until her back was eventually against the wall behind her.

Y/n couldn't make any kind of noise other than a whimper or a loose string of breaths, so the team who were waiting for her would've had no idea. It was obvious that y/n could just fight back, but her first instinct wasn't to hurt the version of wanda that was hurting her.

It was stupid, really. Someone was attacking her and she could very easily defend herself, but she didn't want to. Not if it had wandas face.

Then, just as her eyes began to close unwillingly, she had to do something. Though it was intended to get whoever it was off of her, the surge of energy she shot into their stomach was as gentle as it could be.

Wanda was fired back and dragged across the floor until she came to a halt by digging her hand into the ground. Where y/n was standing, she could see it.

The fire burning in wandas eyes as if she'd done something unforgivable. The witches eyes were set on y/n like a predator watched its prey, and it was clear that she had every intention of killing her.

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