Should've seen it coming

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"Are you gonna show yourself, or hide in the dark like a coward?" Y/n asked into the room, not sure of where she should be looking. Her fists were clenched and her barriers were high as she waited for a figure to emerge from the shadows. Suddenly, in a matter of seconds, something appeared. Though it wasn't what y/n expected. At all.

It was like a cloud had escaped the sky and carried a guest into the bathroom. Or perhaps a gush of wind had pushed a visitor under the door. Whatever it was, it wasn't the real Agatha, but instead a projection. It was merely a hologram of the witch; it could say whatever it wanted to y/n without her being able to retaliate. In that exact moment, at least.

"Not what I meant, but it'll do." She shrugged, preparing herself for whatever pain or manipulation Agatha brought with her.

Agatha looked shocked, but it was clearly a false expression, "oh, I'm so sorry. Would you rather have me there with you? Do you want me to comfort you? Wow, y/n, you do have a thing for powerful witches, don't you?"

Dismissing a response, she rolled her eyes and dropped her head down to the floor to avoid looking at Agatha.

"Relax, dear. I'm teasing you." She assured her, "It would be better if I could do this in person, but I'm dealing with something much, much greater at the moment. This will have to do."

With a fire burning in her eyes, y/n looked at Agatha through her eyelashes and gritted her teeth. "What have you done to her?"

"You're gonna have to be more specific, my-"

"Wanda," she cut her off, "you know I'm talking about Wanda."

"Oh, her," the eyes of the hologram rolled as Agatha's voice produced a scoff, "I haven't done anything."

"You have," the girl clenched her jaw to avoid getting stressed in front of the witch - she couldn't show any weakness, not at a time like this. "That's not my Wanda."

"Was she ever your Wanda?"

That line caused y/n to go silent.

"I did warn you about this."

Y/n scoffed harshly before taking a deep breath to calm herself down. It soon became clear to Agatha that her words were getting to y/n, which is exactly what she planned.

The witch was clever. She knew exactly how to create the most destructive obstacle in y/n and Wanda's relationship in a way that seemed as though neither of them were to blame. Return one of them to a love that they can't resist, leave the other with nothing. Then, when the other is left alone in a room with their shattered heart, attack.

When Agatha saw the slight confused look on y/n's face, she waved her hand around and placed a new setting on the walls of the bathroom. Instead of the white walls of the perfect bathroom she was once in, she saw the ruins of a cave. Instead of the darkness she was surrounded by, she saw a purple glow. Instead of a shadow, she saw herself. Herself and Agatha.

"Why am i here?"

When y/n heard her own voice, she moved closer until it hit her. She was rewatching a memory. She stood - at the side - while watching the day Agatha took her away and tried to convince her of her power. The day Wanda left this reality.

When y/n realised what the image around her was, she began to panic and back up, "what have you done?"

"Careful. You're still in that fancy little bathroom of Stephen's. I've just projected something," the witch explained with a grin, "something that'll jog your memory a little."

"You are here because people are keeping things from you. People aren't telling you your true purpose, and I think that's unfair." She explained.

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