Letting loose

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Robin kept her hungry eyes on y/n, even when her back harshly hit the wooden frame of a bookshelf - she didn't even look away when a book fell due to the force y/n pushed her into it with.

The air was dense with a thick tension that could only grow strong and stronger. With y/n's hands pressed forcefully against her shoulders, Robin could only look up and hope for the best.

"Jesus Christ, do you seriously not know how to read a signal?" Y/n sarcastically asked her.

Even in the position she was in - even though she was overpowered by y/n - Robin's energy still remained with her, "I don't know. This right here is giving me mixed signals, so can you blame me?"

"God," y/n forced her into the shelf once again with an annoyance, "give it a rest. I don't know if you're just messing with me or if this is how you are, but please go bother someone else. I don't have the time to deal with your fucking bullshit right now."

The entire time y/n's rage-filled words slipped from her tongue, Robin couldn't help but feel flustered. The two were so close, alone, in a room with a locked door, which explained the tenseness that came from Robin.

"I don't know why you're here, but you need to do your job and fucking leave, got it?" Y/n stared angrily at her as she waited for her to speak.

After a few moments of silence, Robin smirked to herself, "I gotta say... you're hot when you're angry."

With a sigh, y/n pushed herself away from Robin. She allowed her anger to die down as Robin watched her, knowing that it wasn't fair to direct all of that rage towards an innocent person. An annoying, but innocent person.

The room stood silent - waiting, patient - for a moment whilst the girls readjusted. Y/n thought to do what Robin had suggested the previous day: relax. Or 'let loose' as she put it. And she needed a distraction from Wanda. So maybe arguing with someone else about something petty would suffice.

Then, while y/n forced herself to a silence, she felt something. Something that didn't belong to herself, but to the only other person in the room. When she realised what it was, her mood changed. Her motives changed, her plans changed, her treatment towards Robin changed.

When it first came to her senses, it brought confusion with it. But the return of a feeling so enticing, so addictive, brought out a different side of her. Instead of worrying about Wanda, y/n thought to have a little fun for herself. After all, she deserved a moment like that since what Wanda had told her struck her down.

While y/n looked at her, Robin shrugged her shoulders, "you gonna shout at me again, or...?"

"You know I can feel you, right?" She asked her, gently furrowing her brows.

"Well, we were close, I don't blame you if you could feel my breath, if you get what I'm saying," Robin rambled, clearly unaware of what y/n meant. The possibility of y/n showing an interest back was so foreign to her that she didn't consider it true, not even when y/n was moving closer.

Y/n shook her head, "that's not what I meant. I can feel how I'm making you feel," she gave her a very different look, "if you get what I'm saying."

Suddenly, Robin changed. Her flirtatious and cocky spirit had flushed from her the moment it was returned by y/n. She tensed her body as she realised that y/n was now the one with the power over her, but she couldn't help but enjoy it. And, of course, y/n could feel every moment of it.

That burning desire that rushed through Robin's veins like a drug became so clear to y/n that she felt it too. Y/n managed to ease into it so subtly and so casually. Quickly, yes, but everyone deals with heartbreak in their own way. Maybe this was her remedy.

Slowly closing the distance between the two once again, y/n continued, "I'm not even touching you, but you're weak for me. And when I touch your skin," she gently traced a finger down the side of Robin's jaw, causing her to release a soft and almost inaudible whine, "you melt. God, what would happen if I were to kiss you?"

Even as she said the words, she didn't feel bad. Not only did she enjoy the moment she was in, but she wanted to get back at Wanda. She wanted Wanda to hurt, to feel what she felt. She also wanted that power again. That control over a situation. After every chaotic thing that had happened to her over the years, she just wanted control. As Robin was more than willing to let her have that kind of power.

Robin gulped, trying desperately to claw back her confidence again, "we'll have to wait and see."

She softly shook her head with a disapproving hum while her hand found it's way to the back of Robin's neck, "I don't like waiting for things anymore."

Before Robin had time to take a breath, y/n pulled her face closer and pressed her lips against hers before immediately beginning to kiss her. Although it took a moment to adjust, Robin kissed her back while her heart raced in her chest.

It seemed odd to y/n at first to have another set of lips between her own, but she ignored the feeling. The more hastily she kissed Robin, the better the feelings she learned from her were.

When she heard the moan Robin released between kisses echo through her ears, y/n couldn't help but kiss her even faster. Her hand left the back of Robin's neck and trailed down her spine before resting on the small of her back to pull her body closer to her own.

What about Wanda? The tiny part of her brain asked her as her lips played with another's. What about her? She mentally asked herself. That tiny, decreasing part of her brain seemed to disappear when Robin pushed her body closer to y/n's.

In that moment, Robin wanted her; she ached for her, and y/n knew it. Despite the rush of feelings she was getting from Robin, she didn't give in and give her what she wanted. Not only did she want to feel the frustration from Robin as she was delayed her gratification but, again, she wanted the control.

Wanting to get Robin's hopes up, y/n removed her hand from her back and placed a finger on her collarbone. Still kissing her, y/n slowly moved her finger down Robin's body, feeling the way she tensed under her touch.

The closer y/n got to what Robin wanted, the harder it was for Robin to stay in the kiss. Then, when y/n's finger made it to the fabric of her jeans, Robin fell out of the kiss and dropped her head back. She let out shaky breaths as she prepared herself, but immediately paused when y/n's touch was suddenly taken from her.

She looked back up at y/n, her dark eyes begging for answers, but the only thing y/n could do was smirk down at her.

"Someone's eager," y/n mumbled down at her, feeling the desperation oozing from her.

"Why'd you stop?" Robin asked.

She faked a look of disbelief, knowing it would annoy Robin, "you really think I'm gonna give you what you want that easily?"

Robin's face dropped, "you're serious?"

"Oh, I'm very serious," she nodded, "come on, Robin, be patient."

"You are actually being serious," she realised.

With a smile, y/n turned on her heel and headed for the door, sensing Robin's eyes burning into her as she left, "patience is key."

"You're an ass!" Robin called over to her.

"You didn't seem to think that when you were moaning into my mouth, did you?" She faked a frown, watching Robin roll her eyes, "I'll see you around."

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