The stars

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Whilst tiredly swaying down the hallway to get to her room, y/n rehearsed her words in her head once again. The hallway was quiet and empty in the early hours of the morning, but y/n prayed that Wanda would still be awake.

When she got to the door, she lightly turned the door handle, but furrowed her brows when the door didn't open at her touch.

"Wanda?" She whispered through the wood, hoping that Wanda had only accidentally locked the door.

However, when y/n's ears picked up the barely audible noise of Wanda sniffling from the inside of the room, she tried opening the door again.

"Wanda, please let me in," she told her, knowing Wanda was listening.

Although Wanda listened to every word, she didn't move herself from under the covers. With her head on the pillow, tears streamed down her face and formed a puddle by her hair. A puddle that she ignored.

"Please," she begged, "Wanda, open the door." When Wanda didn't reply once again, y/n sighed, resting her head against the wood. "I need to hold you, Wanda. I need to talk to you- to see you, and I need to kiss you- I need to hold you, can you just-..." her voice began to fade out, "please open the door."

While her head still rested against the door, it finally opened. Y/n entered the room, expecting to immediately see Wanda, but Wanda was sat at the end of the bed, her head looking at her lap. Her hair was messy, her face puffy, her eyes tired. Seeing her like that was enough to break y/n entirely.

"Hey, my beautiful-," she tried to walk to Wanda with her arms out, but Wanda stood up and backed away from her before she could get close. So she assured her, "Wanda, please. Just a hug."

Wanda shook her head, tears streaming down her face once again, "you promised me you wouldn't go through with it."


"You promised," Wanda cut her off to state.

"That was before I knew what it was," she tried to explain.

"You broke a promise."

The two stood with so much space between them, so many unspoken words between their pages. How could y/n get Wanda to understand? How could y/n possibly make Wanda feel better about what she was about to do?

"Wanda, I'm so sorry, but I have to do this. I've spent hours in that library researching ways I could get myself out of this, but I can't. I've tried everything I can, but nothing is going to work."

Wanda looked at her as if she knew it was true. Y/n's efforts didn't go unnoticed to Wanda, but she still couldn't accept it.

Y/n stepped forward, "Wanda, you are everything to-"

Wanda cried, pushing herself away, "no- no, I don't wanna hear this speech-,"


"I don't wanna hear this speech because I know what this means!" She blurted, "I can't have this be the last thing you say to me, y/n. I cant let you give me the goodbye speech, I can't do that."

Y/n nodded as shaky breaths escaped her, "okay. Okay- I won't say a goodbye speech. But can I just say what's on my mind?

Anxiously biting the skin of her lip, Wanda nodded, and y/n took a breath.

"I've rehearsed this a thousand times in my head, but I lose my words when I look at you," she chuckled through her sadness while she collected her thoughts, "when I was younger, I never thought that anyone would be able to love me completely. To love me entirely, for who I am, and for who I'm not. But the night we laid on the rooftop of our cabin, I noticed something. You look at me the same way you look at the stars. So much love and wonder stands in your eyes when you look at us. And I want you to know that after tomorrow, I'll be joining them. So you can always find me in the sky, Wanda. I'll always be there. Shining with the stars."

While Wanda's tears poured out of her face and her body resisted the urge to hug and kiss her love all over, y/n moved. Wanda didn't understand what she was doing at first. She furrowed her brows as y/n slowly put herself on the floor, but her face froze when she saw that y/n had rested herself on one singular knee.

"Wanda, you're my heart and soul," y/n began, looking up at Wanda. "My life and my love. Even dead, I don't want to be tied to anyone else but you."

While she spoke, she pulled the item Strange gave her out of her pocket and opened it to reveal a beautiful, gold plated, diamond encrusted ring. Wanda practically gasped when she saw it. Not because of how beautiful the ring was, but because of how much y/n shone with it.

"This ring is made of vibranium, so it will never break. You can bring it with you through hell and back, you can throw it away, you can destroy it, but it will never break. Because my love for you will never break. This ring is everlasting because, even dead, I am everlasting. I need you to know that."

"Y/n," Wanda looked down at her, speechless. Even while the diamond shone in her face, Wanda's eyes never left y/n.

"I know I broke my promise. But I do promise you this, Wanda. I will find you in the next life. In the life where we're no more than people who live normally. And I will love you then just as I love you now. We will have our time together, I promise."

Holding the box open, y/n kept her eyes on Wanda. Their eyes did not leave each other, not even for a moment, whilst y/n finished up her speech.

"But while we remain in this life, I only ask one last thing of you before I go," she looked her in the eyes, deeply and lovingly, "Wanda Maximoff... will you marry me?"

"Yes," she immediately said as though she'd held in her answer since the moment y/n got down on her knee, "oh- god, y/n, please yes."

While y/n sighed in relief, Wanda pulled her up from the floor and painted her face in kisses. Wherever she could fit a kiss, she placed one. She was desperate to leave enough kisses to last a lifetime, and to last until they'd next see each other.

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