Stubborn love

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With the weight of something unexpectedly heavy on her chest, y/n instantly shot up and forced herself out of her deep slumber. That quick movement flung a pain through her head and temples which she made obvious with a loud groan and curse word. As she held her head as if  it would somehow help the pain, she had a look at what was previously on her chest.

In her hands, she held a small rock, and it didnt take her a second to realise what that could've meant. A rock couldn't have just happened to have been placed there by someone as a joke or meaningless gesture. It had to have been what she thought. It had to have been her.

Cradling it in her fingers, she felt an ache in her heart while she wished for the past to come back. She silently wished that everything was back to normal between her and Wanda. She allowed herself to have these images in her head until the bathroom door opened, and Wanda came out.

Even though she knew Wanda must've been in there due to the rock, it still took her breath away just seeing her. Now that she was sober and fully conscious, she finally understood the gravity of the situation. Wanda's hair dripped with wet as she'd just came out of the shower, while y/n rustled the sheets off of her body and decided to speak.

"I stayed here last night?" She asked, looking down at the way her body must've ruffled the sheets in the night.

"Yeah, you were pretty drunk," wanda barely laughed.

"I dont think it was that bad," y/n shook her head with the very few memories she had of the previous night.

"It was bad, y/n. You caused a scene, and you smashed a glass round this guys head," she huffed while making the bed with y/n still in it.

At the sudden and unexpected annoyed tone coming from Wanda, y/n furrowed her brows, "i kinda had to, he was being a dick."

"You didnt have to though, did you?" She gave her a look.

Under the intense heat of Wanda's gaze, y/n predicted where the conversation was going to go, so she pushed herself out of bed. With the headache still lingering in the back of her mind, she couldn't stand to partake in another argument. Not when she'd had a night as bad as she did.

"I'm leaving," she told Wanda, "because I don't want to argue and I'm sure your don't either."

When y/n's hand touched the handle of the door - when her departure suddenly became real - Wanda stood forward, "no, I do," her words caused the girl to pause and turn to her, "I want to argue. I would much rather stay here and argue with you than be on my own."

Speechless and taken back, y/n looked at her. One part of her was glad that Wanda had wanted her to stay. That part of her was glad that Wanda finally had the guts to stop feeling sorry for herself. But that part of her wasn't obvious as she stood in the room with her.

She helplessly shrugged her shoulders, "what do you want from me, Wanda?"

"I just want you to be honest,' she bravely admitted.

"Are you sure you really want that?" She dared, "with all that comes with the truth, you sure you want it?"

Wanda didnt hesitate to reply, "yes."

When she felt how much Wanda wanted the truth - when she saw it in her face - she took a breath and blurted it all out as if there'd be no consequences.

"I fucking hate you Wanda. I love you so much, but, god, I fucking hate you for choosing him," while y/n rambled, Wanda didnt even try to defend herself. She knew there was nothing she could say to make it better, so she just listened. Which is exactly what y/n needed, "how could you do this to me? After everything we've been through? What did i do wrong? What did I do that made you want to choose him?"

Wanda bit the skin off of her lip, "i loved him in the past. My heart belongs to you, y/n."

"How do i know you don't still love him?" She asked, "you can't have both of us, wanda."

"I don't want both of you," she began, rather calmly, "i want you. Only you, y/n. It was never between you and vision-"

"But it was," seeing the pain Wanda hid in her expression, y/n breathed deeply, "I'm not even gonna pretend to know what it's like to be in your situation, so you know I can't make this decision for you. No one can make this decision for you. You have to decide, as shitty as it may be, you have to. Because I'm not gonna sit by your side, waiting for you to choose. Not anymore. I can't keep making myself look like the asshole for waiting for you- I can't keep making myself look like the asshole for loving someone who doesn't love me back."

"I do love you back," Wanda stepped closer, her hands desperate to touch y/n, her lips desperate to kiss her, "Y/n, I do love you back."

"Do you? Because I don't know what to believe anymore, Wanda," her eyes stained with tears as she asked.

"Please, y/n, I will explain it all, but I promise you, I love you," she assured her, "I love you so much more than him, I've never loved anyone like I've loved you."

Though it hurt to say the words that came out of her mouth, y/n had to be honest. Its what Wanda wanted.

"I can't trust you, Wanda."

Instead of breaking down begging y/n to trust her, Wanda's face produced a small and soft smile as she gently nodded, "i know," she exhaled deeply, "i know, my love, i know."

Hearing the nickname, flooding with memories, y/n's tear wall broke, and her face soon held the cascades of her sadness. As she stood in front of Wanda, she let her emotions out despite how hard she tried. She felt anger, sadness, pain, fear. Everything bad a human could feel, she felt that towards Wanda. But she didnt let it poison her mind. Because no matter what happened, or what was to come, under all of those venomous emotions, was love. Strong, unconquerable, stubborn love.

"I miss you so much," y/n's voice cracked as her throat began to close.

"I miss you, too," Wanda smiled at her.

As Wanda's eyes lingered on y/n's, she knew it to be true. Even though she knew it this whole time, it became crystal clear when she was looking into those soft eyes. Y/n was the love of Wanda's life. And she didnt lie when she said that she did love vision. There was a time in her life when vision was all that she wanted, all that she hoped for. During that time, she would've said that vision was the one for her, but that could never be true now. The moment y/n kicked down the old door to Wanda's cabin was the very moment that stopped being true. Wanda didnt realise it back then, but she'd known every day since the night by the fire. The night where y/n told her that she didnt see her as a monster. She swore to herself that she loved her then, and she'd loved her every day since. And she knew she'd love her ever day after that.

"Let me take you out tonight," Wanda said the words she'd been waiting to say, "let me take you out, and let me explain everything. I mean it, I'll tell you everything."

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