Worry and care

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"Shang, get her some bandages," Strange immediately began giving out orders as they walked into the sanctum. While hastily peeling his blazer off of his stature, he headed to the kitchen to raid the cupboards for anything to help, "and, Wong, get me a drink, would you?"

"Have you not had enough to drink tonight?" Wong asked, but didn't hesitate to get him one.

"I was busy greeting the guests at first, then as I went to get a drink, someone decided to make a scene," his tone seemed to be annoyed or angry, but he wasn't. Everyone thought he was, but he knew he wasn't. He was just glad knowing that y/n was okay.

After they swiftly left the party and entered their limo once again, the team all seemed to had lost their fun spirit. Bucky couldn't help but look down at the small smudge of blood his metal hand had collected from the punch as he tried to calm himself down, while Sam spent most of the drive looking at him out the corner of his eye. Shang - who had ahold of y/n until he helped her into the vehicle - had y/n leaning on his shoulder for the drive back.

The alcohol had numbed most of the pain for y/n, and, at times, she didn't even realise what had happened until she'd open her eyes to have her vision clouded with blood. Most of the blood had come from the way the man's rings had opened a wound on her face when he hit. While she leant her head on Shang's shoulder, the blood from above her eyebrow quickly trickled down her face and onto his shoulder, where it then seeped through onto his white shirt. Luckily, Shang didn't care at all. Not once did he attempt to move her to protect himself, not when he worried it could hurt her even more.

Then, when the car rolled up to the sanctum, Bucky helped Shang carry y/n whilst Strange and Sam headed to unlock the doors. When the doors opened, Stephen instantly entered, whereas everyone else hung around y/n.

"Take her to bed," Strange turned his head momentarily to call out to Sam and Bucky, "I'll find the med kit."

Bucky turned to Sam, "you wanna take her? I'll get the kit when Strange finds it."

"Of course, man," Sam nodded before giving Shang a look.

Although he still seemed concerned with y/n's safety, Shang gently helped y/n shift to Sam's hold instead. However, during the transition from Shang to Sam, Wanda cut in and held y/n herself.

"Let me help," she told them while taking y/n in her arms completely.

The two boys exchanged a look, but didn't slow down when Wanda began leading y/n down the hallway. Sam followed behind, his hands outstretched in case y/n was to tumble to the side or fall out of Wanda's arms for whatever reason. When Sam noticed that Wanda was taking y/n to her room instead of giving her to him and Bucky, he paused and watched her.

Eyes cautiously on Wanda, Sam interjected, "I think maybe Buck and I should-,"

All in one moment, his hopeful spirit was extinguished when Wanda looked at him, flashing a sight of her pained eyes, "please, let me."

Sam's eyes remained on y/n as she stood beside Wanda. She stumbled and swayed, but not for a single moment did she leave Wanda's grasp. Biting back his thoughts on the situation, he signalled to Wanda a cautious nod.

Wanda guided y/n into her room before helping her sit down on what used to be her side of the bed. In any other situation, wanda would've taken a moment to smile at how she had y/n back in her room with her, but she couldn't focus on anything else other than healing y/n's wounds.

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