A night in the zephyr

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With a cocky smile and a confident lean forward, y/n placed her elbow on the table and rested her chin on her hand, "so have you and Yoyo gotten back together yet?"

"Hey, that's personal, come on." Mack dismissed with a playful tone.

"Really?" She asked, "you're really gonna leave me on a cliffhanger?"

"Leave you on a cliffhanger?" He repeated with confusion, "you're not even on the cliff."

"I've been on the cliff since we got back from the fucking future, mack." She explained, watching the way he tried to hide his face that grew shy just talking about it, "I don't want to die not knowing if you two are on good terms or not."

"That's dramatic, no ones dying." He scoffed jokingly, "things are... good. Better, I should say."

"How's deke? What happened to that little shit?" She asked.

"Well, he actually made a pretty selfless sacrifice. He stayed in the past, so I expect that he's old and boring now." Mack explained.

"Oh, that sucks." She muttered, receiving a confused glance from Mack, "I'm gonna miss not having someone to bully. That's all."

"If you see him again, you've got to at least praise him a little bit for his sacrifice." He suggested, "in his speech, he said to find you and tell you what he did so you can't make fun of him anymore."

"Seriously? He thinks that staying behind in the past to help all of his friends move on and travel to the present to return to everything they love and save the world is enough to make me stop making fun of him?" She sarcastically asked.

Mack smiled softly, "you haven't changed a bit."

Y/n crossed her arms and leant back in the chair with a proud smile on her face, "I know."

"The team miss you a lot." He told her, "you know... daisys asked about you a few times."

She paused and shuffled in her seat, "yeah? What'd you tell her?"

He shrugged, "haven't replied yet. I don't know what you want me to tell her."

"Uh." She took a breath, "you can tell her that... I'm a witch... who's dating a witch." She squinted, "that sounds very strange to say out loud, but... you can say that. How's everyone else?"

"May works in a school." He began, "which is surprising, because I always thought kids bothered her. Also, Fitzsimmons have a-."

"Fitz?" She asked, her face scrunched in confusion whilst simultaneously being lit with hope, "he's alive?"

"Oh..." Mack sighed, "I forgot I didn't tell you that part. I'll have to go over it later, it's such a long story. Started with him dying, ended with him and simmons having a kid-."

"THEY HAVE A KID?!" She squealed, perching up in shock.

He chuckled softly at her reaction, "you've missed a lot."

"I know, that's why you need to tell me everything, every little detail." She yawned, "I wanna know everything."

"Believe me, I will, but not now. You're tired, you need to sleep." He told her.

"No, no," she dismissed through the second yawn that hit her, "swords bunks are so shit, I'll just have coffee and sleep on the way home."

"There are other places you can sleep, you know? Sword isn't the only place to exist." He reminded her.

"I know that, I just don't wanna drive all the way to a hotel or something." She began to fall to a tired slump the more she spoke.

"That's not what I was referring to." He sighed deeply as he rose from his chair, pushing the desk away as he did so, "come with me."

"I need to wait for wanda to get back, she-." Before she could finish her sentence, the door opened as Darcy and wanda walked through, leaving her no further argument. She turned to Mack with a blank face, seeing the smirk on his, "fine."

When she rose to her feet, she immediately walked to her girlfriend and slid her hand into hers while placing a subtle kiss on her cheek.

"How was the tour?" Y/n asked as they allowed Mack to go through the door first and lead the way.

"Oh, it was beautiful." Wanda told her with a wide smile, "I never thought a government organisation could look so pretty."

"It's all thanks to Mack, I'm sure." She answered, though no question was asked, "this place wasn't half as nice as this before him."

"Give some credit to Dr Lewis, she helped with a lot of the details." Mack told them.

Mack walked out in front of the group with y/n, wanda, and Darcy following shortly behind. Monica and Jimmy had sectioned off into whatever they needed to do for the night, and, once Darcy followed them to the door, she said her goodbyes and joined them.

They all stepped out into the col air of the night and followed Mack to the back of the building, where the two girls had to stop in their tracks at the sight they saw. In front of them, and behind the sword base, was the familiar and impressively large Zephyr One.

"Mack, you son of a bitch." Y/n mindlessly muttered as she looked at the huge jet.

"It's had a few upgrades since you last saw it." He mentioned as he began leading the two towards its entrance.

"You used to fly this thing without anybody noticing you?" Wanda asked, her arm wrapped tightly around y/n's.

"It has a stealth option where it goes invisible." Y/n casually answered as they stepped into the jet.

The insides of the jet were nearly the same as y/n once remembered, except they'd been decorated by Fitz's newest pieces of tech. The two girls followed Mack through the large interior of the jet until he stopped at the open door of a little room.

Y/n stood by the door, and the moment she saw the familiar bed at the opposite end, a comfort grew over her. With an exclaim of excitement, she rushed across the room and threw herself onto the bed she set her eyes on. When she landed, she rolled onto her back and turned her head to look at wanda, who still stood by the door.

"Hey, wanda, come here." She held her arms out as she offered.

Wanda didn't take a moment to think about it, and instead paced across the room with a smile before dropping onto the bed into y/n's arms. With Wanda in her arms, y/n turned over to the wall and gazed at the recognisable patterns on it.

"Holy shit." She mumbled as she saw a small engraving on the wall.

"What's up?" Wanda asked, pushing herself up to rest on y/n's chest to try and look at what she was looking at.

"This is a cute carving I did in the wall when I used to sleep in here." She smiled at it.

"Cute?" Mack asked as he stood in the doorway, "I don't remember it being cute."

"Of course you wouldn't." She jokingly snarled at him, "do you see it, wanda?"

"Is that it? The carving that says 'fuck the patriarchy'?" She asked.

"Yeah." Y/n smiled softly at it.

Mack smirked slightly as he leant against the door frame, "and do you remember why you wrote that?"

"Because Coulson chose you to go on a mission instead of me, I think that's fair to say." She explained, looking at the wall again, "still hasn't changed anything but a girl can try."

"That's right." Mack nodded before beginning to leave the room, "I hope this is comfortable enough for the two of you."

"It's perfect." Wanda smiled.

"It always was." Y/n mumbled as she relaxed herself further into the bed.

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